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Magic Motion - Pan and Zoom generates poor video
BLP1954 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 05, 2010 07:42 Messages: 9 Offline
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Hi Tony

Thanks for your comments.

My first video editing package was Pinnacle Studio 9 (then 11). I used to cut each panorama into 1920 x 1080 stills and then do a slide left transition to slowly slide out the first still and slide in the next.

When I moved to PD8 I was delighted by the improvement (both in quality of resulting video and features), and the Magic Motion effects saved so much time, especially when panning across and zooming into panoramas.

Sadly, it appears like most "modern" software the rush for more features has had an impact on performance and, in this case, quality. The comparison can be seen on Youtube:
The first 40 seconds was produced in PD10, the second 40s is actually PD10's re-rendered PD8 effort (hence twice rendered and slightly lower quality than PD8 manages on its own).

My "upgrade" to PD10 was mainly on the "Blazingly fast".... "Fastest in the market" adverts but sadly this appears to be sales hype rather than reality. Windows live movie maker now seems faster, and Adobe Premiere Elements 10 on a par for speed.

So for the present I'll stick with PD8.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I should have posted an answer to item 217,
CyberLink "When placing a panoramic still image into timeline (6000x1200), PDR regards whole image as a video clip then to do the zoom in action. The full HD video maximum resolution will be up to 1920 x 1080. Therefore, it cannot be zoom in to an image and still keep a good quality. The higher the original image resolution, the less quality. For example, the 6000 x 1200 image turn into 1920 x 1080, the resolution will be downgraded so the quality might not so good. This concept of zoom in video and image is quite different."

I should think WPanorama is the solution but I have yet to try it out.


Edited slightly - spelling changes.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 17. 2012 05:20

Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Quote: When placing a panoramic still image into timeline (6000x1200), PDR regards whole image as a video clip then to do the zoom in action. The full HD video maximum resolution will be up to 1920 x 1080. Therefore, it cannot be zoom in to an image and still keep a good quality. The higher the original image resolution, the less quality. For example, the 6000 x 1200 image turn into 1920 x 1080, the resolution will be downgraded so the quality might not so good. This concept of zoom in video and image is quite different."

That explanation is obviously indisputable, as it's correct in every detail.

BLP's concern & observation is equally valid. Somehow, PD8 manages to process panoramic images much better using Magic Motion that either PD9 or PD10. PD8 could do it. PD10 cannot.

Using Barry's stitched image I followed the same steps in PD8, then PD10. The resultant video from PD8 was/is far superior (produced to the same format & profile).

Here is a comparison video - screenshots taken from the same frame in both videos are attached.

This may be old news but it remains unaddressed. I wonder if PD11 might bring some joy.

Cheers - Tony

[Thumb - PD8_MM.png]
3138 Kbytes
225 time(s)
[Thumb - PD10_MM.png]
2813 Kbytes
223 time(s)

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D.Vertz [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2011 14:48 Messages: 29 Offline
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This thread seems a couple of months old. It appeared in my search when looking for this exact problem.

I inserted a stitched panoramic image (27648x1886) and used Magic Motion to pan though the image. It appeared that before I used Magic Motion, that the image may have had good image qualily. However, I could not zoom in for verification of quality when the image is selected in the Library. Once inserted on the timeline, selected and then zoomed at max of 400%, it was very apparent that image quailty was already gone. After Magic Motion was applied the quality had dropped so much it was became nothing but a big blur. I thought maybe the same method was being done with the image as is done with video (where quality is dropped for editing but original source quality is retained during production). I wrote out the video for a test. I was wrong and the image was completely unusable.

Thats when I came here.

Now I see that the Cyberlink is spending so much time on creating content and new versions, they are leaving the older versions broken. The updates I have applied have not fixed any of the issues I have seen or read about. I my opinion, this is bad business. It chases away the users to other software, not to have them return. The only sales they can count on in the future are of those people who have never tried their software. This is what ACDSee has done. And I can tell you that ACDSee has one less return customer for the last two versions. Cyberlink is now on the verge of losing one.

Cyberlink, are you listening? Fix your software. Never degrade an image someone inserts! For any reason!

Has anyone found it PD11 has this issue? In the process of installing on Win 8.1 ....
PowerDirector Deluxe (32bit installed, 64 bit not compatible with XP x64)
OS: Windows XP Pro x64 SP2
HDD: C: 298.1GB | E: 1863.0GB | F: 1863.0GB
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Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi D.Vertz -

I posted a summary of some fairly extensive testing here

It applies to PD8, 9, 10 & 11

Cheers - Tony
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D.Vertz [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2011 14:48 Messages: 29 Offline
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What a nice comparison. At least in your samples you can tell you were looking at building or mountains. My project doesn't do anything close to that. I must be doing something terribly wrong. I had even tried it multiple times with using both the PIP and the Motion Magic. With PIP I couldn't find a way to start at one side of the image and move to the other side. It always wanted to start (or end) in the middle.

Is there any chance I could get you to spend the time and give me step by step on how to get the results you got.

Just so you can see whats happening to mine, I have attached a screen shot with an image viewer over PD10 so you can see what the image is compared to the image in PD.
[Thumb - PD10.JPG]
PD10 using image
120 Kbytes
181 time(s)
In the process of installing on Win 8.1 ....
PowerDirector Deluxe (32bit installed, 64 bit not compatible with XP x64)
OS: Windows XP Pro x64 SP2
HDD: C: 298.1GB | E: 1863.0GB | F: 1863.0GB
Free: C: 283.8GB | E: 868.5GB | F: 868.2GB
RAM: 8
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Oh dear - that's terrible! Well - you already knew that.

The resolution of the original image is 27648x1886. What was found in earlier testing was the the greater the resolution, the greater the degradation.

Members would be happy to help guide you with this, including me.

For a start, here's how to set the panorama for a pan without any zoom - - at about 1:30

I'm not sure what steps you've followed that you suspect might be causing the issue... but you definitely shouldn't be getting results like that.

One thing to try (just for comparison)... take you original stitched image & cut it in half horizontally - so it becomes 13824x1886 or thereabout. Try repeating the procedure with the smaller image.

Cheers - Tony
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D.Vertz [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2011 14:48 Messages: 29 Offline
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I decided to make an attempt while I was waiting for your reply. I thought maybe the lossy JPG could have something to do with the result. So I saved the image as a BMP. It didn't improve.

When I got your reply, I first attempted reducing the image by half. I couldn't figure out what you meant by horizontally half. I wouldn't want to squish my image. So, I reduced it by half maintaining my aspect ratio. That did not improve it.

So I tried reducing it to 1/4. Now at 6912x472. Again it does not improve it.

I have noticed that the qualitay appears to be fine when viewed from the Library. It changes as soon as it is inserted on the timeline. I insert it by drag & drop.

I began to think maybe it was something set for the project settings. Maybe the project was set to be a lower quality and is causing the image to get reduced when placed into the project. But when I clicked on project settings, there's nothing there for those type of settings.

I then attempted to drag & drop on the story board, just for fun. Still comes in at a poor quality.

Could it be something to do with the system?

I had an Intel Motherbaord, processor (dual core) and 4GB ram before I went on vacation two weeks ago. PowerDirector has been loaded for some time now (pre-vacation). When I came home the systm wouldn't boot, so I replace everything but the power pack (turns out that is what was bad). Anyway, the new hardware is AMD 3.3Ghz 6 core, Gigabyte MB, 8GB ram. The OS (Windows XP x64) was not re-installed nor has PD10 been re-installed.

Thanks. In the process of installing on Win 8.1 ....
PowerDirector Deluxe (32bit installed, 64 bit not compatible with XP x64)
OS: Windows XP Pro x64 SP2
HDD: C: 298.1GB | E: 1863.0GB | F: 1863.0GB
Free: C: 283.8GB | E: 868.5GB | F: 868.2GB
RAM: 8
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi D.Vertz -

No - I just meant cut it in half and only use one half.

Decreasing resolution will only make it worse. I don't think the issue is with your PC.

I'm in the middle of doing some screen captures for you. Would it be possible to upload your image to a file sharing site - it's probably to big (= slow) to attach here.

Cheers - Tony
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D.Vertz [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2011 14:48 Messages: 29 Offline
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Oh, I will try that also. But something tells me thats not going to work either.

I downloaded the PD11 Trial and I am getting the same results from that. I also downloaded Visual Studio to try that. VS degrades the quality but it is not as bad.

I am currently uploading the file to a filesharing site. It says it will be about 45 minutes for the upload. In the process of installing on Win 8.1 ....
PowerDirector Deluxe (32bit installed, 64 bit not compatible with XP x64)
OS: Windows XP Pro x64 SP2
HDD: C: 298.1GB | E: 1863.0GB | F: 1863.0GB
Free: C: 283.8GB | E: 868.5GB | F: 868.2GB
RAM: 8
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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I just produced a panoramic pan in Magic Motion & PiP Designer using a 23 538 x 2253 jpg and got acceptable results in PD10. The screen capture & results are on their way to YouTube.

Thanks for uploading your image - I'll try it out. I'll post the link if you do!

Cheers - Tony
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D.Vertz [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2011 14:48 Messages: 29 Offline
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I am not sure about how links are posted on the forums. Some forums do not allow them at all. I hope this works.

You should be able to grab it from here until Dec 2. At least as I understnad how the site works. Let me know if there are problems.

In the process of installing on Win 8.1 ....
PowerDirector Deluxe (32bit installed, 64 bit not compatible with XP x64)
OS: Windows XP Pro x64 SP2
HDD: C: 298.1GB | E: 1863.0GB | F: 1863.0GB
Free: C: 283.8GB | E: 868.5GB | F: 868.2GB
RAM: 8
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Thank you -

Here is the quick toot on setting up panoramas in PiP Designer & Magic Motion...

The screen captures were done in PD10 so you'l be right at home. PD11 is easier to work in, but the output for panoramas is about the same.

Cheers - Tony
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D.Vertz [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2011 14:48 Messages: 29 Offline
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Thank you for the video. It tells me I am not doing anything wrong because you have done it exactly the same way as I have. My problem still exists, and it happens when the image is dragged & dropped into the time line.

I found software that would cut apart the panoramic image. I cut it into 6 tiles. I then placed them into the library. When they are placed onto the timeline, they are of good quality. This I do not understand. You have a very wide image and it works. But anything wide for me, does not.

Also, I can not seem to figure out a way to seamlessly pan from one image to the next. if I butt them together, I get a black transition period between the end of one and the begining of the next. In the process of installing on Win 8.1 ....
PowerDirector Deluxe (32bit installed, 64 bit not compatible with XP x64)
OS: Windows XP Pro x64 SP2
HDD: C: 298.1GB | E: 1863.0GB | F: 1863.0GB
Free: C: 283.8GB | E: 868.5GB | F: 868.2GB
RAM: 8
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi D.Vertz -

I tested your image in Magic Motion & PiP Designer & got similar results to you. As you said, you weren't doing anything wrong.

It turns out that the image is the problem, not the video maker... & I should say what happens to the image in PD. It was shot in low light (obviously) so it lacks a bit of clarity & sharpness to begin with.

In PD (or any video editor) that image is going to be up against it. The process of editing the video... which is effectively zooming in to a small portion of the screen makes it difficult to keep the image clean.

When I cut the photo in half & used only one side, the results were much better.

I would have a go at putting your original in a photo editor & giving it a tweak to sharpen it up. I just did that in PhotoDirector & it certainly improved the clarity in panoramic motion.

Cheers - Tony
[Thumb - D.Vertz.jpg]
234 Kbytes
409 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 25. 2012 21:23

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Senior Contributor Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada Joined: Jun 10, 2010 16:20 Messages: 1783 Offline
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Here is my take. Used another program to create a movie from the image posted.

Panorama Walk
32537 Kbytes
271 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Nov 26. 2012 13:50

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