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"disc with an unsupported format"
GREG [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 10, 2010 11:03 Messages: 1 Offline
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New computer. Core 7, 5870 graphics card, evga x58 mobo, 8 gb ram, Lite-on blu-ray drive. More than enough system to play a Blu-ray...

PowerDVD 10 installed.

When attempting to play back a Blu-ray I get the following error message:

"There is a a disc with an unsupported format in drive B:"

Help me! How do I fix this.


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ALAIN [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 18, 2010 15:04 Messages: 4 Offline
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Same problem here.

Seems you can play back parts of the content with the "video"tab then browse to the file you want to play.

Unfortunatey, i can't add the subtitles then.

Wonder if someone can help with how to play back mounted BLURAY images?

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David_H [Avatar]
Member Location: U.S. Joined: Jan 08, 2009 16:19 Messages: 72 Offline
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Hi Greg & Alain,

There are a number of things that can cause the kind of trouble you are reporting. Plus, in Alain's case, there are additional issues when attempting to play a copy of an HD blu-ray movie from a hard drive. First the general issues...

The place to start is with your PowerDVD 10 Ultra installation. Here are some points to consider. Any one of them can cause trouble, including unsupported disc errors. Sometimes the error messages are not accurate and do not convey the true cause of the problem.

1 - PowerDVD 10 requires current video drivers. It is strongly recommended that you remove your existing video drivers and install the latest versions before you install PowerDVD 10. Drivers that were okay with older versions of PowerDVD may not work with version 10. (Contact your computer or video card manufacturer for the latest driver.)

2 - Some overly aggressive security software can interfere with the PowerDVD 10 installation and you may NOT receive an error message during the installation process. You could check the logs of your security software to see if they intervened during the installation. If you suspect that this is a problem, the solution is to remove PowerDVD 10, disconnect your computer from all networks, including the internet and temporarily turn off all antivirus, antispyware, antimalware and firewall software. Then re-install PowerDVD 10. Remember to turn back on your security software afterward before you reconnect to any network including the internet.

3 - PowerDVD 10 is not compatible with some of the other HD media players. For example, Arcsoft's TotalMedia Theatre software (a competing media player) is known to cause trouble if PowerDVD 10 is also installed. This is fairly common. It is usually best to have just one media player installed for blu-ray playback---unless you know for certain that your particular combination of players will work together.

Next, we come to hardware issues:

4 - Blu-ray disc playback requires a secure system that supports HDCP from end to end. (You can sometimes get around this requirement with third-party programs like AnyDVD HD described below.)

5 - Blu-ray security is not static---it is updated from time to time and this means that newer discs may not play on older players. This is why blu-ray drives need to have their firmware periodically updated so they can support the latest security changes ("improvements"). (Contact your computer or blu-ray drive manufacturer for the latest firmware for your drive.)

Next, weird issues:

6 - I have one disc that PowerDVD 10 Ultra won't play on my system. It is the "District 9" blu-ray and it gives the "unsupported format" error message. The District 9 disc is a hybrid disc because it contains both the HD movie and a PS3 game. Many other PowerDVD 10 Ultra users are able to successfully play the Distric 9 blu-ray disc without problems but I couldn't get it to work on my computer. Perhaps it has to do with my operating system (I'm still using Windows XP MCE) or a myriad of other variables (no two PCs are the same). In the end, I discovered a solution: I installed SlySoft's AnyDVD HD to temporarily circumvent the blu-ray security. The District 9 disc plays fine while AnyDVD HD is running. But this is an additonal expense---a "lifetime" AnyDVD HD license will cost you about the same as PowerDVD 10 Ultra.

Hard drive playback issues:

7 - CyberLink is in business to sell its media player, PowerDVD 10 (in addition to other software). In order to do this without incurring the legal wrath of the movie industry, they have designed PowerDVD 10 Ultra to comply with their copy protection requirements. This means that PowerDVD 10 Ultra will try to detect if a copyrighted HD movie is being played from a source that is NOT a licensed blu-ray disc and disable playback if it is discovered. Older versions of PowerDVD Ultra reportedly take a more lenient stance regarding the media source drive but that was "yesterday" and things have gotten worse today. This is why you should try a program like PowerDVD 10 Ultra before you buy it. It might not do what you want. One solution may be to install AnyDVD HD to circumvent the blu-ray security (as described above). But CyberLink cannot support such actions and probably won't allow a discussion of it here. The best place to get more information would be at SlySoft's forum.

Finally, if you haven't already done so, submit a support request to CyberLink about your issue. The first thing they will ask is for you to download a program that will enable you to send them a list of every driver in your computer related to PowerDVD 10 so they can see if one of them needs to be updated.

Remember, forums like this are designed primarily for users to help users and they are voluntary. Always pursue support directly from CyberLink Tech Support as you first-line avenue for help.

Kind regards, David
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Cap'n Kevin [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Chebeague Island, Maine Joined: Dec 26, 2008 20:22 Messages: 2011 Offline
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That was an excellent post...very informative. Do you think the problem this person is having is similar in this topic?

I have attempted to offer help....but I ran out of ideas....would you take a look at this and offer any additional ideas if I missed something?

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David_H [Avatar]
Member Location: U.S. Joined: Jan 08, 2009 16:19 Messages: 72 Offline
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Quote: David,

That was an excellent post...very informative. Do you think the problem this person is having is similar in this topic?

I have attempted to offer help....but I ran out of ideas....would you take a look at this and offer any additional ideas if I missed something?

Thanks, Kevin.

I usually don't comment on PowerDVD 9 posts because I've never used it (I skipped version 9 and jumped from version 8 Ultra to 10 Ultra). So I'll refrain from contributing to the thread you cited.

Generally speaking, I believe that older versions of PowerDVD (older than version 10) will have increasing problems playing some blu-ray discs---especially new ones as we go forward. This is because CyberLink support for older versions will undoubtedly slow as they put their primary efforts into supporting version 10. That's a problem inherent to blu-ray copy protection technology: It is not static so we'll need to continually update our software and firmware to maintain compatibility with newer iterations of its HD digital rights management (DRM).

Personally, I find this digital rights quagmire disgusting. On the one hand, I totally sympathize with the movie industry's desire to prevent piracy. I'm a software developer and I hate it when someone bootlegs my software. But on the other hand, the blu-ray DRM system is a muddy mess and only makes users angry. If I angered my customers by making my software as difficult to use because of DRM, then I would be out of business. And the really lame part of this is: the movie industry is not stopping the pirates who have the means to duplicate blu-ray discs with DRM intact. All they do is make problems for their customers. That's like shooting yourself in the foot. And the ill will amassing among their customers is going to come back on them big time.

Fortunately, there may be a ray of light on the horizon because I'm aware of at least one initiative under way outside of the U.S. that hopes to alleviate the situation in the future. But I'm not involved with it and am unable to comment further here. Besides, it may come to nothing.

Back to your other thread: If you want to add a link to the other thread back to this one, then some of the comments here might help---especially AnyDVD HD. It may be the best way to get PowerDVD to play troublesome blu-ray discs _IF_ the problem relates to security.

Kind regards, David

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 18. 2010 23:50

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Cap'n Kevin [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Chebeague Island, Maine Joined: Dec 26, 2008 20:22 Messages: 2011 Offline
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Thanks, David,

I did place a link connecting to this thread. He had tried AnyDVD HD with no luck. It is just that one single blasted movie that won't play on his system! Thanks for your additional comments.

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ALAIN [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 18, 2010 15:04 Messages: 4 Offline
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Hi there,

Thanks for the elaborate reply! I got my harddisk -mounted- copy working!!!

It somehow had to do with the image file format. When I mounted the .iso image I got the aforementioned message. When I mounted the .mds version it worked. Weird stuff, as it is the same material, but there you have it.

The material isnt copyrighted, so i guess that isnt the issue with this case.

Southpark voice:
Pirating is bad, mkay?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 19. 2010 05:45

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johnMc [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Washington State Joined: Feb 16, 2011 21:36 Messages: 1 Offline
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I too had the message pop up: "There is a a disc with an unsupported format in drive B:"

I followed all the above tips successfully, but nothing worked. I use Daemon Tools lite to mount iso image files of Blu Ray movies. It was in the Daemon Tools settings I found the answer that fixed the problem.

Click the "preferences" icon.
Then, click the "Advanced" tab.
Check the box for "Advanced Emulation"
This will install the feature and a reboot of your computer will be necessary after install.

This fixed the issue of playing Blu Ray iso files in Cyberlink DVD10 Ultra

Hope this helps others, and keep in mind, I followed all the above tips too.
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WolfmanKiknAzz [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 27, 2011 13:29 Messages: 4 Offline
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I have this problem now after I had to format and reload my computer (everything workd fine until my dumdum rommate had a party while i was out of town and idiots purposely went into virus websites to mess up PC !!!) I am using the exact same hardware and drivers as before and now it DOES NOT PLAY BLURAYS DISCS!!!! I have went thru everything on every website and I am just short of tryin another format just to see if it would fix sum random error!!! I have NO ANTIVIRUS INSTALLED, as per FAQ page, and I am runnin' Windows 7 x64 Ultimate with nVidia's v266.58 Drivers on a GTX 275 sittin on an MSI NF980-GD65 MoBo, i have the 3D Samsung 2233RZ Monitor and nVidia IR 3D kit for it, all ran by a 1090T PhenomIIx6!! I HAVE POWERDVD 10 ULTRA VERSION!!! I do not have any other clue on what to do!!! PLEASE HELP, THIS IS MY HTPC and it's SUKN RIGHT NOW!!!
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WolfmanKiknAzz [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 27, 2011 13:29 Messages: 4 Offline
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Quote: I too had the message pop up: "There is a a disc with an unsupported format in drive B:"

I followed all the above tips successfully, but nothing worked. I use Daemon Tools lite to mount iso image files of Blu Ray movies. It was in the Daemon Tools settings I found the answer that fixed the problem.

Click the "preferences" icon.
Then, click the "Advanced" tab.
Check the box for "Advanced Emulation"
This will install the feature and a reboot of your computer will be necessary after install.

This fixed the issue of playing Blu Ray iso files in Cyberlink DVD10 Ultra

Hope this helps others, and keep in mind, I followed all the above tips too.

THIS WORKS, i had to install this program and it finally got it work!!!! Is this SUPPOSE TO BE part of a Cyberlink PowerDVD10 ULTRA setup
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Denys [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 08, 2011 04:33 Messages: 2 Offline
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Hello all,
I can't see film blu ray 3d on my notebook. Please help.
Hardware: Asus G51JX
software: Windows 7 Home 64
I downloaded file CyberLink_PowerDVD10Ultra_2325_DVD101124-02.exe
after that I activate this programm and try to see 3d films Cloudy with a cance of meatalls 3d. Power DVD can’t open film. Error disc with an unsupported format" (in attached file PrintScreen).
I wrote about this problem in [Cyberlink] Online Customer Support (QuestionID = CS000989569) and I've recieve next answer:

Customer Support Response 2011/03/07 01:54
Dear Denys,

Thanks you for writing back.

Regarding your concern, I would suggest you to update the firmware of your Blu-ray drive. To update the firmware of the Blu-ray Drive, I would request you to contact the Blu-ray drive manufacturer.

but the matter is in program your competitor Arcosft TotalMedia Theatre 5 I can see this dics without any problem.

[Thumb - cyberlink unsupported.jpg]
cyberlink unsupported.jpg
cyberlink unsupported
247 Kbytes
1979 time(s)
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WhiteZero [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 10, 2011 21:14 Messages: 1 Offline
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I started getting this error when i updated to Windows 7 SP1.
Is PowerDVD Ultra even compatible with SP1 yet?

EDIT: Had to uninstall Daemon Tools (which I was not using in relation to Blu-Ray at all. I have a Blu-Ray ROM drive)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 12. 2011 11:57

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jackg23 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Chandler, AZ, USA Joined: Apr 11, 2011 20:58 Messages: 1 Offline
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Quote: I started getting this error when i updated to Windows 7 SP1.
Is PowerDVD Ultra even compatible with SP1 yet?

EDIT: Had to uninstall Daemon Tools (which I was not using in relation to Blu-Ray at all. I have a Blu-Ray ROM drive)

Good thing I stumbled on this post. All the other tips weren't working for me. I reinstalled with my antivirus disabled, updated my graphics drivers, attempted to find out if the HDCP was playing nice with all my components, and tried turning on Advanced Emulaton Mode in Daemon tools.

I uninstalled Daemon Tools and rebooted then it worked. Now I am curious to see if Daemon Tools itself conflicts with PowerDVD 9 or if it was an issue with having Daemon Tools installed prior to installing PowerDVD 9. I will try to test this by installing Daemon Tools again since my PowerDVD 9 is working with my bluray drive.

Windows 7 Pro 64bit
EVGA 01G-P3-1371-AR GeForce GTX 460 (drivers 266.58)
Lite-On iHBS212-08 12X Internal Blu-Ray Writer
CyberLink BD Solution v6 (included with the drive)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Apr 11. 2011 21:11

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