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Sounds Randomly sometimes cut during playback
BrandonC [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 18, 2022 21:14 Messages: 1 Offline
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I can't figure out what is going on here.

I have copied and pasted a shorter audio segment that repeats itself numerous times throughout the enitre audio track. during playback, sometimes all of the clips play the audio correctly and sometimes parts of certain clips cut the audio in half. It's never the same one. It's a different clip each time.

IE the sound is "I love". During one playback clip A will playback "I love" and clip B will get cut and say "I Lo" and sometimes its reverse. Sometimes they would both work and sometimes they would both cut.

I thought maybe this was just during playback so I exported the track and it happens in my exported track as well.

What am I doing wrong? Why are the clips sometimes playing the full audio and sometimes cutting out halfway through?
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Hello Brandon,

Welcome to the AudioDirector forum laughing

Without some further information, it's difficult to say what may be causing your reported issue.

  • Exactly what steps did you take to create your looping "I love you" audio clip?

To try to replicate your problem in ADR here, I:

  1. imported the Wings song "Silly Love Songs"

  2. (Mix module) removed all parts of the track except one chorus (which repeats 'I love you" 4 times [duration =]

  3. copied that chorus clip & pasted it repeatedly (4 times) in the master track [total duration = 0:02:02.873]

  4. produced the edited track

There were no issues either during playback in ADR or playing the produced track in other software.

Please see the attached screenshot of my workings in ADR. Can you provide any further information about the steps you took?

[Thumb - ADR_looping audio.jpg]
ADR_looping audio.jpg
625 Kbytes
8 time(s)
PIX YouTube channel
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