I see a number of settings that look like they may offer a variety of file / video formats but have no idea what values are legal. Ideally, I'd love to know what every single node means and all legal settings, but in order to get a decent H265 render I have marked specific inquiries for the gurus:
<Class>MPEG-4 HEVC
<Name>My 5.7K H.265 @29.97 80Mbps
<Description>5760 x 2880 H.265 @29.97 80Mbps
<Output FileName>
<DescID>20210 <--- is this just a random ID - does it need to be unique from other profiles?
<NameID>22572 <--- same as above
<Group>2 <--- guessing this is the "Custom Profiles" grouping?
<File Format Class>11 <-- yup, 11 is a great number! but what does it really mean?
<Video Format Class>10 <-- from observation 10 = H265, 8 = H264?? Any other formats just waiting to be coaxed out?
<Audio Format Class>10 <-- sure, we'll go with 10 .... unless 11 sounds better?

<Stream Flag>3 <-- I haven't streamed a Number 3 in a long time
<Field Order>0
<Attribute>4000083 <-- that's a mighty fine attribute you got there! What's it do?
<Video BitRate>80000000 (finally something I understand!)
<Min BitRate>40000000
<Max BitRate>80500000
<Video Quality>0 <-- is 0 a good quality setting??
<Video Width>5760
<Video Height>2880
<Frame Rate>29.969999
<Profile Level>65281
<Pre Processing>0
<Flip Video>0
<Speed Quality Indicator>6 <-- building profile w GUI results in 3(speed) or 6(quality) - if I increase this to 9 what happens?
<Encoder Mode>0
<App Type>2
<Dynamic GOP>0
<Encoder Type>32
<Audio Layer>2
<Audio Mode>2
<Audio BitRate>384000
<Audio Channels>2
<Audio SamplesPerSec>1
<Audio BitsPerSample>1
Thank you to those who can shine some light and save me hours of experimentation!
Cheers, Scott