The original file is 1 minute AVC .MTS 1920x1080 50i Bit rate 16Mbs and occupies 117MB.
I saved it in AVI 720x576 became 206 MB
in H264 M2TS 1920x1080 50i 16Mbs became 113 MB
in H264 MP4 1920x1080 25P 16Mbs became 105 MB
in H265 M2TS 1920x1080 50P 19Mbs became 119 MB
in H265 MP4 1920x1080 25P 11Mbs became 63 MB
I wonder if these data are reliable. Frankly I expected a significant reduction of the original megabayt.
Or do I miss something? I thank those who can clarify me.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Apr 24. 2018 05:16
Videocam: Panasonic SD 700 avchd
Pinnacle 14 - PD 9-13-17