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Big problem with audio/video separate clips
Betty15765 [Avatar]
Member Joined: May 25, 2014 17:48 Messages: 99 Offline
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Using PD12. I normally make a separate project of each topic before combining all to make final video.

But this time I am having a strange problem. After inserting another project into my main one, sometimes a video clip and an audio clip that are not related want to move together. I cannot eliminate one without the other...........or move one without the other moving.

Please, any solutions??? Tried to attach a video showing this, but it will not attach.

Betty15765 [Avatar]
Member Joined: May 25, 2014 17:48 Messages: 99 Offline
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Here should be a video showing what's happening.
7855 Kbytes
334 time(s)
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Your Video and audio clips are unlinked. Look at the leftmost two clips. Why is there a gap between the audio...Did you do that (unlinked them)?? Click on the word PowerDirector on the top right of the screen and tell us the version number. You may need to update it to the latest version. After you update, then you may continue to have problems unless you start new projects.

Let us know your PD version number.
Betty15765 [Avatar]
Member Joined: May 25, 2014 17:48 Messages: 99 Offline
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Yes, they are unlinked as I remove the audio and place my own audio there. Been doing this all along. And I'm up=to=date on the version....3403.

There is a gap because I don't want any audio there.

I want to know why when I select one video clip, an audio clip later in the timeline is also selected. So I cannot remove or move one without the other. Very strange. And would hope there is an answer.

Go to 9-12 seconds to see what I mean.

tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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At 8 sec. into the video when you you clicked on EasterDinner(3) video, the EasterDinner(5) audio became highlighted too. You then dragged the EasterDinner(5) audio clip to the track below. The EasterDinner(3) moved below also because it is highlighted. Did you notice both were highlighted before you do the drag??

I can duplicate what happened on my sample clips unlinked and with the audio previously switched around. I find that when I see 2 clips selected then hold down ctrl key to unselect the undesired clip and then drag the only selected audio clip down to the lower track does not drag any other unselected clip down.

If you continue to have these problems then check that you don't have sticky keys enabled in windows. Don't drag if you see an unwanted clip highlighted.

Let us know if this helps.
Betty15765 [Avatar]
Member Joined: May 25, 2014 17:48 Messages: 99 Offline
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Thank you. Did the trick. So simple...........feel foolish I didn't try that myself. Wondering how they became linked in the first place.

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I use Pavtube video converter to combine video and audio together, and the final video file can be easily added to PD12.
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