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Producing first then going to Create a Disc doesn't lower quality?
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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During a Search on a different topic, I came across a lengthy thread about producing a video first, then importing it, setting up chapters - I've always assumed that would lower the quality of the final disc. Not so?-- Why isn't it so? Sounds good to me, but I can't waste time on a 2 hour video, producing et al, if the results aren't going to look as good as my test discs.

Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Quote: During a Search on a different topic, I came across a lengthy thread about producing a video first, then importing it, setting up chapters - I've always assumed that would lower the quality of the final disc. Not so?-- Why isn't it so? Sounds good to me, but I can't waste time on a 2 hour video, producing et al, if the results aren't going to look as good as my test discs.


You do not have to produce the project before going to Create Disk.

There are times when it is better to produce the project to a 720x480@8 Mbps mpg then doing what you say, put the produce mpg on the timeline and add chapters.

Those times are often if you start with a Full High Definition Video and you must burn a standard DVD disk. A full high Definition video is 1920x1080/60p @ 16 mbps or greater bit rate.

A standard DVD is 720x480/60i @ 8 Mbps. The computer has a lot of rendering to do to reduce the video down from HD to SD. So if you produce the same size video as required for the DVD, you save the computer a great deal of work.

It is known that many computer's fail at doing both jobs at the same time. Reducing video size and bit rate while burning a Disk.

So it in not a waste of time if your computer cannot do both jobs at the same time. If your computer can handle the job, go for it.

As to losing quality, you do for going from HD video to Standard DVD video, that happens no matter if you produce the SD video first or just burned the DVD.

There are High Definition Disks...AVCHD burned to a DVD or Bluray on a Bluray disk. Both are HD formats, 1920x1080/60i. Neither format can be played in a Standard DVD player,

Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: ...There are times when it is better to produce the project to a 720x480@8 Mbps mpg then doing what you say, put the produce mpg on the timeline and add chapters.

...So it in not a waste of time if your computer cannot do both jobs at the same time. If your computer can handle the job, go for it.

As to losing quality, you do for going from HD video to Standard DVD video, that happens no matter if you produce the SD video first or just burned the DVD...

Thanks, once again, for giving such a thorough reply, Carl. I haven't been having any problems with my computer burning a project to folder, working with the hundreds of time line clips. So, I guess there wouldn't be any advantage for me to try producing first - I just got curious when I saw so many people here saying that they always produce to a single clip first. I've never done that.

What I'm still not understanding is why producing, re-inserting etc doesn't reduce the quality. The disc ends up being the copy of a copy, rather than just one generation. When the project is produced, there's compression, then it's all compressed yet again for going to disc/folder-? I don't understand why this wouldn't result in a disc of at least slightly lower quality than burning straight from a full project file.

CARL - If you could please take a look at my other current thread, "Safe to swap out files for final burn?," I'd really appreciate it, because that's my most pressing current issue.

Neil.F.1955 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Mar 07, 2012 09:15 Messages: 1303 Offline
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The loss in quality from HD to SD is somewhat minimal and hardly noticeable, but the plus is, a gain in capacity when burning to DVD, Using standard Definition, you can pack over 2 hours of content onto a DVD-5(single-layer) disc. And because you're working with digital media, there's no loss in image quality as long as you stay within the parameters of the definition you're using to edit your clips. There is, however, a notable loss in quality if you've been working in SD and drop your content down to LP, you'll see blurred image and pixilation on the resultant disc - not a good look at all(ugh!). But if you've gone the other way, start with the original in LP, then bump it up to SD, there is a slight image quality improvement. A good trick here is, if you're transferring content from an analogue source(VHS/Betamax/Video-8/Hi-, capture in LP mode(smaller file size of capture won't swallow up as much hard-drive space) then edit and produce in SD to an external hard-drive of 1 or 2 terabyte capacity. Hope that works for you
Senior Contributor Location: Cambridge, UK Joined: Nov 24, 2011 04:44 Messages: 731 Offline
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Quote: What I'm still not understanding is why producing, re-inserting etc doesn't reduce the quality. The disc ends up being the copy of a copy, rather than just one generation. When the project is produced, there's compression, then it's all compressed yet again for going to disc/folder-?

It isn't compressed twice. If there's any editing it will decompress the edited section then recompress it but if the produced clip is burned unedited it will be used 'as-is' - no decompression and/or recompression.

Where material is decompressed and then recompressed it can in some circumstances introduce artifacts though in my experience this is rare. Regards,

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rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Great - Thank you Fenman, and Neil - I appreciate the info!

Neil.F.1955 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Mar 07, 2012 09:15 Messages: 1303 Offline
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What is it with this site, when I'm describing a variant of Video-8, namely Hi-eight(spelt out to avoid getting the emoticon), that's what I do get, see my recent reply. I'm rather annoyed by this as it takes away from what I'm trying to explain. This problem needs sorting out, and soon!
Senior Contributor Location: Cambridge, UK Joined: Nov 24, 2011 04:44 Messages: 731 Offline
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Hi Neil,

The problem is caused by putting the right parenthesis immediately after the 8 as this is the code sequence for the smiley. So you can write Hi-8 ok but putting the parenthesis in results in Hi-.

E.g if you had re-ordered your line thus: (Hi-8/Video-8/Betamax/VHS) it would have worked.

Edit: ....without having to disable smilies in the message.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Feb 21. 2015 06:19


Home-build system:
Intel Core i5 Quad Core 3.3GHz, 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333MHz,
Asus Nvidia GT440 1GB, 2 x Western Digital WD10EARS 1TB, 1 x Seagate ST1000DM010 1TB,
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rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: What is it with this site, when I'm describing a variant of Video-8, namely Hi-eight(spelt out to avoid getting the emoticon), that's what I do get, see my recent reply. I'm rather annoyed by this as it takes away from what I'm trying to explain. This problem needs sorting out, and soon!

Hmmm, I see what you mean, Neil. I think if I check the option below this text box, "disable smilies in this message," that Hi-8 will come out. I just now checked it --let's see if it comes out the way you want.

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: What is it with this site, when I'm describing a variant of Video-8, namely Hi-eight(spelt out to avoid getting the emoticon), that's what I do get, see my recent reply. I'm rather annoyed by this as it takes away from what I'm trying to explain. This problem needs sorting out, and soon!

Hmmm, I see what you mean, Neil. I think if I check the option below this text box, "disable smilies in this message," that Hi-8 will come out. I just now checked it --let's see if it comes out the way you want.


It worked! That's your answer, Neil - You have control over smilies appearing or not when you using a hotkey. Cool.

Neil.F.1955 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Mar 07, 2012 09:15 Messages: 1303 Offline
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Hi, rbowser, I'll remember for next time. It's just an annoyance when you're trying to describe older formats like Hi-8, a derivative of the Video-8 format, stick a bracket after the 8, and bang, you've got a smiley(emoticon).
Cheers for now!(spell-check just bumped in and "corrected" your user-name to "browser", these auto-correcting features can really hack you off when the "butt in" and alter what has been intentionally typed).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 22. 2015 07:25

Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Quote: Hi, rbowser, I'll remember for next time. It's just an annoyance when you're trying to describe older formats like Hi-8, a derivative of the Video-8 format, stick a bracket after the 8, and bang, you've got a smiley(emoticon).
Cheers for now!(spell-check just bumped in and "corrected" your user-name to "browser", these auto-correcting features can really hack you off when the "butt in" and alter what has been intentionally typed).

If you put a space between the 8 and the parentheses, you won't get the emoticon.
As seen in the first example. the second is the parentheses next to the 8.

( 8 )
Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

Neil.F.1955 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Mar 07, 2012 09:15 Messages: 1303 Offline
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Yeah, Carl, got that! Already sorted. Cheers!
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: Yeah, Carl, got that! Already sorted. Cheers!

And then there's the very easy "disable smilies" - Hi-8 Hi-8 Hi-8

"Quick Reply" doesn't have the menu of options. To be avoided for numerous reasons.



This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 23. 2015 09:16

Neil.F.1955 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Mar 07, 2012 09:15 Messages: 1303 Offline
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Cheers, rbowser!(did it again! Spell-check bumped in and changed your name to "browser")
Hi-8, Hi-8, Hi-8, Hi-8-itty-date-de-date! (thought I'd have a bit of fun with it, a bit of levity, ol' chap!).
Senior Contributor Location: Cambridge, UK Joined: Nov 24, 2011 04:44 Messages: 731 Offline
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I sometimes wonder why I bother!! Regards,

Home-build system:
Intel Core i5 Quad Core 3.3GHz, 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333MHz,
Asus Nvidia GT440 1GB, 2 x Western Digital WD10EARS 1TB, 1 x Seagate ST1000DM010 1TB,
Windows 7 Prof 64-bit, PD 9 Ultra 64, PD 13 Ultimate 64
Neil.F.1955 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Mar 07, 2012 09:15 Messages: 1303 Offline
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Hi, Mike(Fenman) Please don't take any offence, the last one from rbowser prompted my little bit of fun. Actually, I've long since moved on from using Hi-8 format, I now shoot with a Panasonic SDR-S71 digital camera where the old Hi-8 beastie was a mono(audio) Samsung make.
Senior Contributor Location: Cambridge, UK Joined: Nov 24, 2011 04:44 Messages: 731 Offline
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It was just that I was the first to respond to your complaint yet I seemed to have been completely ignored. Regards,

Home-build system:
Intel Core i5 Quad Core 3.3GHz, 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333MHz,
Asus Nvidia GT440 1GB, 2 x Western Digital WD10EARS 1TB, 1 x Seagate ST1000DM010 1TB,
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Neil.F.1955 [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Mar 07, 2012 09:15 Messages: 1303 Offline
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Deeply sorry if I appeared to ignore your first comment, Mike. It wasn't intentional, but another contributor made a bit of a joke and I thought I'd carry it along for a while, hence the "Hi-8, Hi-8, Hi-8, Hi-8-itty-date-de-date!" bit. I take on board your comments re: keeping the closing bracket away from the numeral 8, put a slash(/) there instead.
Cheers for now.

P.S. had a bugger of a time logging in! I have this page in my Favourites list of websites, clicked on it, tried three or four times, only to be greeted with "This page cannot be found". Finally got in, more through good luck than anything else.
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