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Safe to swap out files for final burn?
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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For 2 months I've been editing a 2 hour project, using fairly high rez clips. I didn't turn on Shadow Files when I started the project, but now that I understand what those actually are, I realize I could have done that. Editing has been pretty smooth, but it probably would have been even smoother with Shadow Files.

However, now that I'm zeroing in on finishing the edits, I'm thinking that I would actually like to try cooking up even higher rez files than I've been using, and using those for the final version.

Before setting up a complicated experimental project, I thought I'd ask the experts here: Is it safe for me to simply replace my current video files with new ones, giving them the exact same names, and keeping them in the same folder PD has been referring to?

Simply put - is it safe to swap out files like this for the final burn?

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