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Very bad quality in the timeline!
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Hey, I've enjoyed editing with PowerDirector so far, but one day I got a problem out of nowhere that now persists through all my new projects. I can import files correctly and preview them in normal good hd quality. But as soon as I drag anything onto the timeline, it becomes blurry and all pixelated.

What I've tried: (Which did not affected anything at all)
- Making sure my video driver was updated.
- Change all project settings around.

I didn't have this problem in the beginning and suddenly, one day.. Bam, have fun! ;(
(It's not only the preview. The produced movies are also bad!) Take it as it comes...
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Quote: Hey, I've enjoyed editing with PowerDirector so far, but one day I got a problem out of nowhere that now persists through all my new projects. I can import files correctly and preview them in normal good hd quality. But as soon as I drag anything onto the timeline, it becomes blurry and all pixelated.

What I've tried: (Which did not affected anything at all)
- Making sure my video driver was updated.
- Change all project settings around.

I didn't have this problem in the beginning and suddenly, one day.. Bam, have fun! ;(
(It's not only the preview. The produced movies are also bad!)

Hi AleksF92,
Carry out the following please:
1. Check your timeline Preview Quality, icon link is to the right of the snapshot (camera) icon. Set to "High" should be ok.
2. Provide the following information, see the guide part A & B please:
3. Provide a snapshot of the Edit Workspace with your project insitu, see Guide Part E & F.
4. Provide full information on what output data you are selecting. Is it Produce? Is it in Create Disc? Which of these and what selections are being made in each?

With out sufficient accurate data, members can not assist you.

[Post New]
I know there is nothing wrong with the source files. So I don't want to bother taking the time to pick up all that info. Yes the preview is on HIGH quality, I can see video clips perfectly fine within the preview section, but when I add it to the TIMELINE it makes is bad quality. (This will also carry on to the produced movie)

It wasn't like this a few days ago. Why all out of a sudden when I tried to start a new project?
This happens for all new projects, and for all file formats and also video files i have successfully produced in hd a few days earlier! Take it as it comes...
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi AleksF92,
Carry out the following please:
1. Check your timeline Preview Quality, icon link is to the right of the snapshot (camera) icon. Set to "High" should be ok.
2. Provide the following information, see the guide part A & B please:
3. Provide a snapshot of the Edit Workspace with your project insitu, see Guide Part E & F.
4. Provide full information on what output data you are selecting. Is it Produce? Is it in Create Disc? Which of these and what selections are being made in each?

With out sufficient accurate data, members can not assist you.


If you know that everything is alright then you'd be able to solve the problem, right?

[Post New]
I never said I know everything. I just know that the source files are ok, because I've checked them very many times now. And this doesn't happen to one specific file, but all files! Videos, pictures. anything visual...
It is obviously some sort of project setting or something like that. That may for some reason cause a bug or something like that. Allthough, I have checked everything that I can think of that might be wrong without any luck.

But as I said, I don't see how having the info for the source file would help you anything when the source file plays in full hd as it is supposed to and gets crappy as soon as it is played from the timeline. I can mention that the shadow file that is generated has the same bad quality if that give you any more ideas?

Project and clips data:
Res: 1920x1080
fps: 60
sound: wav Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
Quote: 2. Provide the following information, see the guide part A & B please:

Dafydd is asking for the information above in order to allow the experts here a "look" at the platform you are using to runn the PD program. Without the Actual version (PART A) and the machine information (PART B), it is very difficult to participate in the solution of your issue.

If you REALLY want a solution and help. PLEASE, post PART A and PART B using the "POST REPLY" button.
THank You

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 06. 2013 14:09

[Post New]
SR number: VDE130107-01
DxDiag: Attached

Sorry for my bad mood, I'm just tired and very upset with this problem. It's frusterating to not get to do something you want...

Will these do or do you need any additional info?
28 Kbytes
536 time(s)
Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
I would still appreciate the actual version. Please, click on the word "POWERDIRECTOR" inside the program and provide the actual version#. Mine says

Powerdirector 64BIT version

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 06. 2013 15:51

[Post New]
Ah, PowerDirector Deluxe Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
Quote: Ah, PowerDirector Deluxe

32-bit Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
Is this the trial version?
If not, please apply the latest patches from Cyberlink and test again.

Also, your machine is 64BIT, but the 32BIT version is running?
EDIT: OOPS..I JUST REALIZED THAT DELUXE IS 32BIT. So the comment above can be ignored.

Since this is an AMD/ATI Video card, I am hopeful that some of the AMD folks here will join in.

But getting that update is the FIRST thing. You only need to install the LATEST update...not all three.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Mar 06. 2013 16:36

[Post New]
OK, I take it that will the this one?
2013-01-24 - Updates PowerDirector 11 to build 2516 Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
I do not have direct DELUXE experience, but I would try just that one first.

After you install and reboot, click on the POWERDIRECTOR in the program and verify the update.

Let us know if that works.
[Post New]
After installing the new patch, my list of installed programs in the control panel tells me the newest version is installed. ( but the program still displays ( when I run it. Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
Did you purchase your software directly from Cyberlink? Was it a CD or OEM (installed on the machine when you got it) ??

This does not seem like standard behavior. I am afraid we will have to wait for others here to awaken and find your post (this is a GLOBAL forum).
[Post New]
I THOUGHT I did, but it turns out I purchased it from a reseller. "Herman Street" is who I bought it from apparently. Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
I'm trying to use the update button within the program as well no, to see if that affects things
Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
Nope, still no change within the program Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
Also, I'm wondering... Does it have anything to say that it is resold? Would I get any discount as a student or for already owning it from Cyberlink to re-purchase it from them directly? And in that case, what would the benefits of that be?
EDIT: I would like to upgrade to Ultra also then if I were to re-purchase it. For the 64bit support.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 06. 2013 17:40

Take it as it comes...
[Post New]
I suggest that you contact either CyberLink Support. They would have all those answers. I would paste a link, but I am still learning phone.

Herman Street is an approved vendor for CL.
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