Encoding a testclip(75 seconds) with SVRT + one transition (transition lasting for 2 seconds or so): 90 seconds
Encoding the same clip with hardware: 67 seconds
SVRT should be faster than hardware?
If I remove the transition and SVRT-encode the clip (without any transition), the SVRT encoding is done in like 4 seconds.
What's up with the SVRT-mode? Makes no sense.. (?)
EDIT: Did some more testing. SVRT seems only to be working until it reaches the first transition/effect (that needs to be rendered). When the effect/transition ends, SVRT isn't resumed.

So, don't trust the %-ratio that's estimated, it isn't correct.
EDIT 2: Checking the "Allow SVRT on a single IDR H.264 video" option in the preferences fixed this problem!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Nov 02. 2011 16:30