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AudioDirector - Produce just the active clip or track
Kipster [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 18, 2022 13:57 Messages: 7 Offline
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I'm having trouble searching this, but I have an audio track of 200 spoken items. It's a list.

I need to chop it and produce each item in their own audio file.

My thought/hope was to select and cut item 200 (the end of the main track) and paste it into an empty track, then PRODUCE just that item or track....and keep whittling it down until I have done all 200

In my mind, on PRODUCE "should" provide options for "active clip" or even track # but there is no such thing - not even a time code inout/out point to PRODUCE like Adobe.

SIDEBAR - Just came to me, and will test this? But maybe I need to chop the item, paste to an empty track, select that item and then switch from MIX to EDIT view? Then produce??

Thanks one and all. Would really help me out!
Forum Moderator [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2018 01:01 Messages: 578 Offline
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It doesn't look like AudioDirector has this function. I also don't think copying content from the mix room to the edit room will work as you are hoping.

If you have PowerDirector, you can do this quite easily with Export Range. You just select the range of the audio file you want to export, and then click the Export Range button and export it as an audio file. More info here:

Obviously, this is assuming you have PowerDirector.

AudioDirector Moderator

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 20. 2023 21:58

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Kipster [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 18, 2022 13:57 Messages: 7 Offline
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Thank you, yes. I have PowerDirector yes. Sadly, it seems counter-intuitive to set out using a video editor for strictly audio, and I did not fancy the idea of modifying track options or working around the empty video ones to do this and the export/produce specs.

Here is what I ended up doing but there is a catch....

  1. Put the full clip on track 1 in the Mix module. Adjust vol and effects to the whole track
  2. Sever/slice the first (left most) audio item on that track
  3. Delete the longer clip to the right
  4. Produce it
  5. CTRL-Z to restore the deleted section
  6. Delete the small item to the left with "FIll Gap"
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 for 199 more times

That said, AudioDirector also offers NO self-incrementing file naming function; and no preferences (I could find) to set the default file name to something usefull for the time being so that adding numbers would work for my objectives.

In retrospect, I suppose I could have just left it as "Produce" and added numbers, then used freeware's Fast File Renamer. But I have to say, there are just so many things I find counter-intuitive and lacking. For example, the idea you cannot copy and paste effects, or the idea once applied, you cannot even see the settings you used, and revise them. Sure, you could turn if off, and do another....or use "favorites" and CTRL-Z in some cases, but these are not really production approaches. It's similar to the way the location marker shifts to where you click on an empty track area to paste something, instead of remaining where it is set via the time-code band. As far as I can tell, there's no jumping to end of clip, and even the way the location bar jumps to beginning of clip when you click a segment is fickle.

Anyway, project done, thanks for your input!
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