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Remove silence in voice-over
Dr. Stanley [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 27, 2016 22:07 Messages: 5 Offline
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Does anyone know if Audio Director is able to remove silence or spaces between words in post when editing a voice-over? In these cases, syncing with video irrelevant.

It would be terrific if Restoration Assistant had that feature (and remove "ums").
Forum Moderator [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2018 01:01 Messages: 578 Offline
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There is no way for AudioDirector to do this automatically as far as I know of. You can easily do it manually using range selection and then click the delete button. This is how I usually do it.

AudioDirector does have an Insert Silence feature, but not a remove silence. You can make a formal request for it by contacting CyberLink using this link:

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