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Font changes upon Producing Final Video?
wrswaim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 20, 2022 00:57 Messages: 24 Offline
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A new problem has cropped up for my podcast videos made on PD-365: As you can see in the attached pics (problem boxed in red), fonts are changed to a generic font upon producing/publishing the final video in mp4 format. This had not happened for months and suddenly does this without any change in my settings. This is seriously messing up the quality of the videos toward the audience and need a fix urgently.

Thank you !
[Thumb - font2.jpg]
104 Kbytes
15 time(s)
[Thumb - font1.jpg]
131 Kbytes
17 time(s)
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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Quote A new problem has cropped up for my podcast videos made on PD-365: As you can see in the attached pics (problem boxed in red), fonts are changed to a generic font upon producing/publishing the final video in mp4 format. This had not happened for months and suddenly does this without any change in my settings. This is seriously messing up the quality of the videos toward the audience and need a fix urgently.

Thank you !


Don't think this has been reported before so it's not a widespread problem on the forum.

More details will be necessary for members to help out.

These steps will help folk to help you :

Generate a DxDiag and post it as a text attachement file, it's too long for a copy and paste post

Check the exact version of PDR you are using

Does this happen with all titles or just one? My system shows 705 titles for example.
Does it happen with all fonts or just specific ones?
Can you give an example using just a sample file so that others can replicate and test?
What production settings and profile are you using?

PowerDirector Moderator

For customer support related issues, please contact:
- Customer service:
- Technical support:
wrswaim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 20, 2022 00:57 Messages: 24 Offline
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Thank you! Will do. You can see my attached pics right?

It occurs with that one I circled in red but also has happened with other titles I use. What's stranger is it happens to not all of them even though they are identical. I have typed in some different titles but for instance, that "like video" one is premade, i don;t mess with it. This all just started happening all of a sudden.

I attached pic of settings in general, hardware acceleration & produce. Again these were the same settings when it didn;t do it then changed suddenly a few days back. Very frustrating.

I will have to work on the other 2 things you requested for me to include.




Don't think this has been reported before so it's not a widespread problem on the forum.

More details will be necessary for members to help out.

These steps will help folk to help you :

Generate a DxDiag and post it as a text attachement file, it's too long for a copy and paste post

Check the exact version of PDR you are using

Does this happen with all titles or just one? My system shows 705 titles for example.
Does it happen with all fonts or just specific ones?
Can you give an example using just a sample file so that others can replicate and test?
What production settings and profile are you using?

PowerDirector Moderator
[Thumb - settings Produce.jpg]
settings Produce.jpg
204 Kbytes
13 time(s)
[Thumb - settings general 1.jpg]
settings general 1.jpg
254 Kbytes
11 time(s)
[Thumb - settings hardware.jpg]
settings hardware.jpg
214 Kbytes
13 time(s)
wrswaim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 20, 2022 00:57 Messages: 24 Offline
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The Dx Diag is attached.

Also the PDR version is also seen in an attached screenshot.


Quote Thank you! Will do. You can see my attached pics right?

It occurs with that one I circled in red but also has happened with other titles I use. What's stranger is it happens to not all of them even though they are identical. I have typed in some different titles but for instance, that "like video" one is premade, i don;t mess with it. This all just started happening all of a sudden.

I attached pic of settings in general, hardware acceleration & produce. Again these were the same settings when it didn;t do it then changed suddenly a few days back. Very frustrating.

I will have to work on the other 2 things you requested for me to include.


[Thumb - pdr.jpg]
36 Kbytes
11 time(s)
126 Kbytes
171 time(s)
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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Thanks for this.

Please also provide the exact font your are having issues with, and a before (in the title designer and preview window) and after photos. We have the after, once produced. Then we can test on our machines to see if we experience the same issue.

You should also report this to CyberLink using the tech support link in the signature below.

PowerDirector Moderator

For customer support related issues, please contact:
- Customer service:
- Technical support:
wrswaim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 20, 2022 00:57 Messages: 24 Offline
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That;s part of the problem - it is happening randomly with various fonts. Also in the same video, the same title works fine in a couple of places then the thrid or fourth time it gets converted into a generic font. It's all random - and then other titles used in the video come out just fine. See the attached (2 before and 1 after).


Quote Hello,

Thanks for this.

Please also provide the exact font your are having issues with, and a before (in the title designer and preview window) and after photos. We have the after, once produced. Then we can test on our machines to see if we experience the same issue.

You should also report this to CyberLink using the tech support link in the signature below.

PowerDirector Moderator
[Thumb - before1.jpg]
78 Kbytes
10 time(s)
[Thumb - after.jpg]
95 Kbytes
11 time(s)
[Thumb - before2.jpg]
83 Kbytes
11 time(s)
wrswaim [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 20, 2022 00:57 Messages: 24 Offline
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I am working with CyberLink support on the issue but stumbled on a weird solution. I repeat titles in my videos so will usually copy one of the previous ones and paste it later on the timeline and on it changing the wording. This time I dragged the title from the resource area each time and dragged it to the timeline and made any needed changes. The font consistently remained the same throughout the video after it was produced. That has been the fix for 2 videos now and they produced fine! No idea why it made any difference but it works again!

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