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Profile for :: Shiromage
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Ranking: Newbie
Registration date:  Jan 05, 2011 17:30
Number of messages posted:  [7] Messages posted by Shiromage
Created topics: [1] Topics created by Shiromage
From:  United States
Interests: Computer Science, Electronics, Art
Biography: Hi! I'm Shiromage! You may also recognize me as TheShiromage on Youtube. I'm a highschool student avid to learn about technology, particularly computers. I'm pretty much the average computer geek. I once got the crazy idea to make a video using Microsoft Movie Maker about my adventures in my computer gaming. When I posted my first "serious" project on Youtube, people liked it and wanted to see more! Eventually, that led to trashing bad programs, leading me to get PowerDirector 9! Video production is something cool I've been doing in my spare time, and I'm enjoying it!
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