The fit window worked well. I am able to see my detailed area so my voice overs can be added.
Thank you all !
One more question if you can help. My videos will be broken down to three minute segments and added to a cd. This cd will be coded for HTML with navigation linked to the desired video in a flash player. I want to keep the highest quality possible so that I can put as many videos on a CD.
Question #1) Does anyone know what the amount (minute wise) of video can be placed on a CD, not DVD? I know there are so many varibles, but maybe an idea. (i.e.,1080i can give me 15 minutes). The purpose of the CD is that I am able to burn copies in the field for distribution unlike DVDs.
Question #2) The videos will be played in a flash browser so when the tech enlarges the browser window from a 4x5 inch to full window, I want the best quality, small file size and not give up my quailty. Any recommendations? (These videos will be played on laptops in the field and will eventually be uploaded to the company website).
I hope that I am not exhausting a good thing (the forum) by asking these questions. I always try and try again before I trouble someone.
Thank you all for all of you help !
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should !