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Project save and restore issues
cajuncandb [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 23, 2013 10:04 Messages: 9 Offline
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Had this issue on previous version and hae since completely rebuilt the computer (new Os, and fresh install of Cyberlink Powerdirector 365) - no matter how I try i cannot recover a project. Like i save frequently i even packed the materials off to a seperate location - the files sizes always seem suspiciously small (62k for a packed materials packaged) but like the autosaves look like they are loading and then nothing - blank timeline. Open saved project- loads and then "BLANK TIMELINE"! Seriously what am i dooing wrong cause i am tired of redoing my intro and closing sequences because the app is faulty for backup and recovery ...

someone out there please help me recover this or in some way make it work
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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I'm having a really hard time imagining what's happening on your end. PDS files never contain any source clips, so they will always be small in terms of file size. Since no media is contained, the original clips will need to remain in their original folders when editing your project.

Conversely, packing a project will always make copies all the clips on your current project's timeline (not clips that are solely in the media library) and send them to the destination folder. Opening the PDS file there will automatically load the packed versions of the clips from that same folder onto the timeline.

Since you don't seem to be seeing any of these behaviors, could you use ScreenRecorder and capture the steps you're taking? I have to believe there's a fundamental error/misunderstanding in there somewhere, and a screen recording is the best way to help us figure it out.
cajuncandb [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 23, 2013 10:04 Messages: 9 Offline
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I dont have any screen recording software installed. I could take screen caps using snipping tool or just old fashion ctrl-print screen, but in the end it will be exactly as I said. After the rebuild created the intro and closing for the latest series i am doing of a recent trip. I saved that project. I then saved the package materials which would have been 5 video clips, some audio, and a few titles - the total size of that "package" shows as 62kb (seems way to small to me with evberything packaged into that one file). I went on developing my videos one day at a time and on the 3rd day the program crashed. I didnt have any concern cause i saved multiple ways. first sign was the program didnt autorecover from the autosaves (none of them). then it didnt load my package or my initial save. Like i said it goes through the motions but the time line is empty.

now i did a test just throwing 3 random clips in and saving as test.pds and closed and reopened and that save loads right. doesnt explain why my save doesnt load right.

additional details - I keep my video and audio on an external drive that stays connected. I dont see anything out there about keeping all the files local - but even then the "packaged materials" should have worked.

the only other thing i can try unless yall have suggestions to recover the work I have done is to store all these source files for the intro and outro local ... that kind sucks but I cannot keep redoing the intro and outro. One more time and I feel I am done with Cyberlink. I came to cyberlink becuase I just didnt have the storage on my Mac (FCP was a very stable program I used for years ... but alas the videos got better and longer so I was forced to go back to PC and Cyberlink) .... but if Cyberlink cant do the simplest of Project Saves then it wont work for me
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Again there's some significant misunderstanding here. The size of the PDS file by itself isn't relevent at all, and in no way is it any kind of "package."

Look at the whole folder where you've packed a project. Do you see the PDS file and all the timeline clips contained there? The total size contained in that folder will be many MB (or GB) depending on how big your source clips are.

If there's any problem accessing media on an external drive, you should get a pop-up notice when opening up PD that it can't find a clip and should see a button to browse to the new location. Under no circumstances should you simply get a blank timeline and this is where a screen recording would be really helpful.

Finding the packed clips shouldn't be an issue at all if you're opening up the PDS file in packed project folder, as everything needed for the project should all be in the exact same place.

Also, ScreenRecorder should be part of any PD20/365 installation:

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at May 21. 2022 18:05

cajuncandb [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 23, 2013 10:04 Messages: 9 Offline
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the statements are valid as there are NO additional files being stored - just the PDS. given the action being chosen was "packed materials" i assumed it was compressing them and storing them together but alas there is no other files just the one small pds file.
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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Quote the statements are valid as there are NO additional files being stored - just the PDS. given the action being chosen was "packed materials" i assumed it was compressing them and storing them together but alas there is no other files just the one small pds file.


I am also confused by your findings - never really come across anything like this.

Can you attach a copy of say, your last example, of a "blank timeline" .pds file or a packed .pds? It would be interesting to analyse it to see if, and where, it says your assets are?

PowerDirector Moderator

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Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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Quote the statements are valid as there are NO additional files being stored - just the PDS. given the action being chosen was "packed materials" i assumed it was compressing them and storing them together but alas there is no other files just the one small pds file.

From the above story I get the feeling that there is still room for mis-interpretation: saving, packing and loading and file sizes....... and the usage of the proper project file...
the steps should be:
1) go to the menu FILE and select PACK PROJECT MATERIALS
2) a SELECT FOLDER menu is opend and only a the name of a folder is a valid entry here (often you create a new fresh folder, to ensure that it will only contain the material of the project... (if this folder already contains a project file, you get a warning; If the folder contains files, without a project name you dont get a warning).
2a) left next to the SELECT Folder button below is a tick box that when ticked allows not used material present in the media room, to be copied to the packed folder too. By ticking this, really all material is copied, even in case the timeline is empty).
3) the packing will happen, well actually all materials used in the project, the media room, the stuff in the timeline, and even the customized titles and other customized material used in the timeline is COPIED into the selected folder. It is not packed in computer terms, like ZIPped, but only moved together so that is a contained paked with the project material.
3a) in this folder also a version of the PROJECT files (.PDS) is saved along with the project materials.
3b) principle is, that whereever this complete folder with material goes (even when the name of the folder and/or the drive is changed), as long as it is complete including the project file: .PDS) PD will recognize and use the material in this same folder, as long as the project file (.PDS) in this folder is used to open the project.
3c) The original material that was used in the project and copied to the packed folder, remains untouched in their original place(s). It can even be moved or deleted, the material in the packed folder is in principle the complete set of material.
4) So: Reloading the packed project goes by using / opening the project file that is in the packed material folder. Not a project (with the same name) that happens to be stored in the (standard) project folder....
4a) when loading PD looks in the packed material folder for the files used in the project. If one is missing, PD warns and gives the option to ignore or the browse.

If THIS is how you work with packed material, and it does not work for you as it is described, then something is wrong with your installation and it would be good to see a screen recording, so that we can help you out:

Hope this helps.
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