Hi, I have a one-minute time-lapse showing footage which was taken over one whole day. I want to add a timer indicating the time in the day. So basically a timer but sped up, so that it makes one day in a minute.
Any ideas/hints would be appreciated.
Lots of free green screen timers out there, depends on the style you want.
Take one and use the video speed function to get it down to duration you want. Depending on the design and exactly how PDR handles the "look" of things, you may get what you want.
Here's a very quick and dirty example [I'm not endorsing this one above others, just came across it first!] - no idea what goes wrong at the end 2 frames but it shows the principle!!
Source timer :
Pabrik Green Screen
but there are many to choose from.
PowerDirector Moderator
Filename |
timer 1.mp4 |
Description |
Filesize |
19268 Kbytes
Downloaded: |
57 time(s) |