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Update uninstalled Power Director
Ghengis [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 20, 2021 17:43 Messages: 1 Offline
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I ran an update on power director from the application manager and now it uninstalled the app from my computer. I have done re-starts, uninstalled application manager and reinstalled but I can not get power director to install gain. I'm on a 365 subscription, anyone have any ideas? Thanks
Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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Only a few questions at this stage.

  • Is the program PD 365 listed as one of the programs downloadable by (and in your) application manager (CAM)?

  • Is the program (still) listed as one of the programs installed by/in Windows looking in the windows apps list (Assuming you use Windows). If it is still there,suggest to de-install it manaually.

  • Also suggest to clean your diskrunning a disk cleanup. This removes all temp files, hopefully incluidng the once that CAM might have used and may be confusing.

  • Do you have any other CL programs listed by the CAM? Do they still work?

  • I am sure that you have entered the correct userid/pw

  • Suggest to also check your subscription data online. What does CL say about the status.

If nothing is wrong, then file a support request.
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