So the missing project was held in the Recent Project list - what was the exact file address listed?
Can you examine that exact location using Windows File Explorer?
I agree with Jeff that there is perhaps something odd in the file address you reported, and coupled with the use of an external HDD, perhaps the file addressing has changed so that PDR can no longer find it.
As Jeff said, searching for any .pds file on your system should give you a list to look through and see if your project exists in another location.
PowerDirector Moderator
Hi Moderator,
The file address was ''D:\VIV Finale Plus Goonans.pds''
Found this in ProjectCache.xml - Notepad that may be very telling.
CACHEDATE PROJECTPATH=''D:\VIV Finale plus Goonans.pds'' THUMBNAILPATH=''C\Users\Big Wullie\App Data\Roaming\CyberLink\PowerDirector\19.0\Cache\ProjectThumbCache\5878396eJPG''FILESIZE= It then goes on with other data.
The thing that I noticed was that half-way down in the Notebook listing the File changes to start with
''D:\D-VIV Finale plus Goonans_20210323201339.pds
''D:\VIV Finale plus Goonans.pds - why this is I don't know as I wasn't aware of any difference in my way of Saving.
Seems very complicated to me but hope this helps in some way.
There are dozens if reference to this path in notebook.