If you purchase a new full version of the software (not upgrade), then no previous "qualifying" version of the software has to be installed on your computer. That is the more expensive option (about $25 more), compared to upgrading, but you "own", subject to the EULA, the new version of the software outright, and if you want, and you have a previous new version, you can install that older version on another computer after uninstalling from the other computer.
Normally, you can only take advantage of "upgrading" if your current version is only two or three versions old. Beyond that, you have to purchase a new, full version of the software.
Since you indicate that you don't want to be bothered with installing a previous "qualifying" version of the software, paying the full purchase price would be the way to go. There is a "Black Friday" deal on now for PowerDVD19; see
this link. The full version is only $59.99, which is a 40% discount.
I just purchased a new computer and my old version of PowerDVD was too old to qualify for an "upgrade", so I just purchased the full version, not upgrade version, of PowerDVD19.
I hope that this helps. Have a great day.
Windows 10 Pro x64
Dell XPS 8930
Intel CoreT i7 (4.6 GHz)
32 GB DDR4-2666 RAM
1 TB PCIe -x4 SSD
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
PD14 Ultimate x64, 4207
CD4 Ultra and AD6 Ultra
Bleeping Computer Malware Response Instructor