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I can't contact tech support. Will not accept my verify code!
Carlisa [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 07, 2008 20:50 Messages: 2 Offline
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help I want to reinstall version 7 of power director and can't from my members section. (had to uninstall because the program kept freezing!). now I can't get intouch with tech support.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 18. 2009 12:37

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Have you proof of purchase?

Please PM me your full name, your email address, your order number and if you have it your activation code.

I will contact CyberLink customer support and resolve this for you speedily.


Note: I do not normally require the activation code, I'm asking for it here because it is a way to confirm a license holder.
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