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edit : Tech support basically told me to f*** off
Michel [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 10, 2009 04:57 Messages: 15 Offline
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Hello everyone !

I'm running Windows 7 RC1. And...

I upgraded PowerDVD from version 7 to 9 Ultra, without even trying version 9. I guess I should have, because it installs and activates okay, but...

Double click on the icon, and the only thing that shows up is a Windows box basically going "Power DVD 9 crashes, we're looking into it" without any splash screen, error code... A nice, clean crash.

I tried uninstalling, rebooting and reinstalling, I tried deactivating my antivirus, deactivating AnyDVD... Nothing seems to work

I sent a message to tech support, but I figured I might as well ask in the forum, you never know .

Anyone had this issue ? Cheers !

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 12. 2009 09:54

Michel [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 10, 2009 04:57 Messages: 15 Offline
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I have got a reply from the tech support telling me that, as the Windows 7 I am using is only a RC1, and of course not the final version, they don't offer a support on Windows 7 !

What's the point of putting that big sign "W7 compatible" on the product page then ?

"Yeah, it's compatible with Windows Seven, but if it doesn't work, you're on your own".

Excellent customer support. Will advertise thouroughly.

Thanks for nothing !
Michel [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 10, 2009 04:57 Messages: 15 Offline
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WOW ! That Dirk guy from tech support rocks.

When I told him that saying "I have no idea why it doesn't work" would have been more honest, he emailed me the URL for the requirements page.... For Power Cinema !

You see, there's no mention of Windows 7 compability on this page. That's why he sent me this.



I guess it's not really compatible with 7 after all. Just like "customer" is compatible with "support" in Cyberlink-land.

But oddly enough, I'm okay with all that. I'll just wait for october 22 for 7 to be released, go to the store and get it, format everything, and retry. All the while, praying, of course.

* * *

All I wanted from customer support was some honesty, and well, actual support.
But all I had was :

1) Copy-pasting "make sure your drivers are up to date", "what system are you on", you know, the standard message you get when you contact support everywhere. All the answers and procedure had been done prior to contacting, and this was mentioned in the original email...

2) "Show me your task manager". Fair enough, that's standard too. I even emailed logfiles from Process Manager (from Sysinternals, Free ! Google it, it's really handy).

3) Oddly enough, when it appeared clear that Power DVD 9 *has a compatibility problem with Windows 7*, and that tech support had NO IDEA why it was crashing, I had the "OOH BUT WE DONT OFFER SUPPORT ON 7 AS ITS NOT RELEASED IN ITS FINAL VERSION YET KTHXBI".

...and you tested the compatibility on what until now ? Vista ? Blatant dishonesty and incompetence... Don't say it's compatible when it's not. And don't shut the door on the people that ACTUALLY PAY FOR THEIR SOFTWARE. They know how to advertise too, you know ?

Over and out.
bogdan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 09, 2009 06:35 Messages: 12 Offline
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Michael, salut, i know your pain.
In marc 2009 i try for the first time Win7, at that time i was installed PowerDVD Ultra 8, all was ok except Mediacenter integration from PowerDVD, if i click on PowerDVD in Mediacenter Menu a crash appear, sometimes freeze.

Install PowerDVD 9, integration in Mediacenter the same, with freeze, etc, but now a bigger problem appear, powerdvd exit, dissapear... sometimes.. if i click on my remote forward, or next, or play in the menu with the mouse....

A patch appear this week, 2017 i guess forUltra, now integration in Mediacenter is working ok, PowerDVD dissapear is 20% resolved....
Right now i have installed PowerDVD 9 Ultra with latest patch, because i need to use Cyberlink codecs in Mediacenter Live-tv, and ChrisTV, SageTV, etc.

But for DVD i use TotalTheatre 3 latest from Arcsoft, with this one the same problem with Mediacenter integration, but latest patch fixed this.

I never seen Arcsoft dissapear or exit... never in my life....

I use PowerDVD for 10 years.... every change version number, like v7, v,8,v9 have problems, but after 3-4 patches all are ok.

Michael, i give you an advice:

Install PowerDVD with latest patch, but use Mediacenter with powerdvd codecs enables.
Or Mediaplayer, or SageTV, Mediaportal, BeyondTV, KMPlayer, etc.

Personal i use Mediaplayer Home Cinema classic as player, with powerdvd mpeg-2 , and mpc for high def.
Michel [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 10, 2009 04:57 Messages: 15 Offline
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I'll do that, thank you Bogdan .

...I guess it's not compatible with Windows 7 then huh ? They should stop advertising it as such, then. I mean, that's advertising lies. And lying in advertising is... bad ? Or is "illegal" the word I'm looking for...
bogdan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 09, 2009 06:35 Messages: 12 Offline
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Use For changing decoders for Mediacenter.

And, sometimes you must use graphstudio to change decoders merit. Click on this graphstudio, Ctrl+F, look for the codecs and change merits.

Let's explain a bit.

Let's say i install my application and drivers for Leadtek tuner, leadtek pvr came with Arcsoft decoders, after i install this i do not have sound in Mediaplayer or Mediacenter.
I must use graphstudio to change merit on arcosft audio decoder and arcsoft video decoder to an LOW ONE.
Now i have sound in Mediaplayer and Mediacenter.
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