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Installing PowerDVD8 breaks Windows Media Center
Robert [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 08, 2009 10:31 Messages: 6 Offline
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Installing PowerDVD 8 broke Windows Media Center - it would hang when I tried to play TV. (Windows XP SP3, Media Center Edition 2005 (w/Update Rollup 2.) After reinstalling Rollup 2, Media Center works again, but now PowerDVD hangs when I try to play a DVD.

Note: Windows XP Video Decoder Checkup Utility reports that PowerDVD 8 - - version is set as the preferred MPEG-2 decoder. (I did not manually change that.) This is the current setting, after I did the procedure below.

Note: PowerDVD is version 8.0.2217.00. I assume that's the latest update to v.8, as I just purchased/downloaded it yesterday.

Details of what I did:
I installed PowerDVD 8, and then Media Center hung when I tried to play TV, requiring a manual reboot. I then uninstalled PowerDVD 8 and Media Center still hung when I tried to play TV. I then reinstalled Update Rollup 2 for Media Center, and then Media Center played TV okay again. I reinstalled PowerDVD 8 prior to reinstalling Rollup 2, so PowerDVD 8 was installed, but the Media Center drivers were written last. Media Center now works again, but PowerDVD hangs when I try to play a DVD. I can play the DVD with Media Center.

Note: I did not try to play a DVD with PowerDVD 8 prior to reinstalling Update Rollup 2. I noticed the problem with Media Center before I got to that, and didn't think to try playing a DVD with it - I just tried uninstalling PowerDVD 8 to see if that restored Media Center. Due to the work involved in reinstalling Update Rollup 2 (which got Media Center playing TV again) I am not reinstalling or installing any updates to PowerDVD8 (if available) until I know what's wrong. (I had to reinstall Update Rollup 2 manually - following steps from a website - as it was installed before and I had updates that came after it.)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 08. 2009 15:11

bogdan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 09, 2009 06:35 Messages: 12 Offline
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change decoders for mediacenter and see what happened.
Maybe powerdvd register with high privilege the filters, and these one enter in action when start live-tv.
Same problem i have with arcsoft, after install i could not use mediacenter live-tv, my recs, etc.
Low down the filter merrit for powerdvd.
Robert [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 08, 2009 10:31 Messages: 6 Offline
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While Media Center wasn't working (before reinstalling Update Rollup 2) I tried using Windows Media Decoder Checkup Utility to select different MPEG-2 decoders. I tried the Cyberlink v.8.. and v.6.. drivers, and a couple of the several Pinnacle drivers listed (the Pinnacle drivers are marked as not MCE Compatible). There is also a "VOB MPEG2 Media Codec v. 1.0.562.0 that I didn't try, which is also marked as not MCE Compatible. After going through the process to get Media Center working again described originally, the Cyberlink v.8 driver was selected, which is also what it was set to after I first installed PowerDVD8.
Are you referring to a different decoder? If so, how to you change it?

bogdan [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 09, 2009 06:35 Messages: 12 Offline
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Robert, google for : graphstudio, click on this, ctrl+f, look for cyberlink audio and cyberlink video, look at the merit, if it's normal merit, or prefered.
Low the merrit a little to normal, test again in MCE.

EDIT: This is the NEW TOOL for changing decoders in xp, vista, win 7, 32 or 64,

latest in the application( scroll down after start up the application) is mpeg2, that it's intresting for you.

And also type in cmd: sfc /scannow , this one search an repair your windows file, including mediacenter. I use this all the time

You need to have another decoder for testing, i forget, you're on XP, XP does not have an MPEG-2 decoder.
Install TotalMedia 3 from Arcsoft for testing, or NERO.
With this tool you change audio and video to arcsoft.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Aug 09. 2009 17:21

Robert [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 08, 2009 10:31 Messages: 6 Offline
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I not sure why you want me to do that. The PowerDVD v.8 MPEG-2 decoder is set as the preferred one (and MCE compatible) in the Windows XP Video Decoder Checkup Utility (which lets you select the default/preferred decoder), and Media Center is playing TV okay.
I downloaded graphstudio anyway. The Cyberlink entries are either normal or do not use, most of them are do not use.

Robert [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 08, 2009 10:31 Messages: 6 Offline
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Is there another forum (web or usenet newsgroups) where I might find someone familiar with this problem?

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