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[SOLVED]Power Director 14 not running
SylvainM [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 09, 2017 15:45 Messages: 2 Offline
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After windows 10 creators fall update, Power Director 14 is not running.
No error message. Just nothing happens.

At first it showed that mfc110u.dll was missing, I found one in a backup, restored it, but when I launch nothing happens.

Has anyone had the same problem?

Please tell me that there is a fix, I need it urgently.

Thank you.


Apparently it is a partially unsuccessful creators fall update on my desktop computer,

I've installed PDR14 on my laptop which has also a creators fall update (Windows 10 1709) and it's working.

Update 2:

I've reinstalled Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 (x64) and now it's working.

Yai laughing

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Dec 12. 2017 11:54

Senior Contributor Location: Cambridge, UK Joined: Nov 24, 2011 04:44 Messages: 731 Offline
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You could try performing a System Restore operation to a date prior to the latest update. Regards,

Home-build system:
Intel Core i5 Quad Core 3.3GHz, 2 x 4GB DDR3 1333MHz,
Asus Nvidia GT440 1GB, 2 x Western Digital WD10EARS 1TB, 1 x Seagate ST1000DM010 1TB,
Windows 7 Prof 64-bit, PD 9 Ultra 64, PD 13 Ultimate 64
SylvainM [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 09, 2017 15:45 Messages: 2 Offline
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Quote You could try performing a System Restore operation to a date prior to the latest update.

Thank you Mike for your help, but unfortunately I have installed since then many audio softwares and plugins that have online registration and activation.
So I prefer not to roll back.

I'm looking into reinstalling the Creators fall maybe this time it will be done properly.

All the best,

Frost45 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Aug 27, 2011 21:04 Messages: 2 Offline
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Quote You could try performing a System Restore operation to a date prior to the latest update.

Why is PD suddenly missing the DLL's mentioned ???
This also happened to me after receiving the Fall Win 10 update ...
Did the update "eat" the DLL's or what ??

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Dec 15. 2017 03:34

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