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Edit Images Imported into YouCam without Webcam?
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Is it possible to import images into YouCam and play with the photos, if you do not have a Webcam?

I do not own a Webcam, but would like to try out the effects in YouCam (it came with MediaSuite).

Thanks for any ideas
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Hicham_B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Jun 09, 2015 04:02 Messages: 1347 Offline
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Hi TroyTheTech,

Yes, it's possible. To get the images into YouCam you have to paste them into the folder, where Youcam saves images.
Normally it is under Documents\YouCam.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jan 17. 2018 06:08

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[Post New]
Quote Hi TroyTheTech,

Yes, it possible. to get the images into YouCam you have to paste them into the folder, where Youcam saves images.
Normally it is under Documents\YouCam.


Thank you very much - this is exactly what it was; I simply put a couple of images into that Folder and it was found by YouCam and I was able to utilize the effects...

Sorry it took a while for me to return. Thank you once again!
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lokkop [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 05, 2017 17:54 Messages: 1 Offline
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Quote Is it possible to import images into YouCam and play with the photos, if you do not have a Webcam?

I do not own a Webcam, but would like to try out the effects in YouCam (it came with MediaSuite).

Thanks for any ideas

I am having the same problem, only I have added them to the youcam folder, but they still are not there. The file extension that I am tryping to put in there is .pdadj which was downloaded from cyberlink youcam page, they are presets, I can not find any of the presets, and I am using YouCam7
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Hicham_B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Jun 09, 2015 04:02 Messages: 1347 Offline
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Hi lokkop,

Are you sure it was photos? Because if you download a file from DZ, you are always referred to how to use your download. See my attachment.

[Thumb - YCM.JPG]
27 Kbytes
2 time(s)
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