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Capture issue with digital tuner
Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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I recently upgraded my PC with a Hauppauge 2250 digital tuner for use with Vista Media Center. I still have my ViXS card installed, but it is currently configured as 1 analog and 1 QAM digital tuner. All is working fine in VMC.

I was capturing some VHS-C tapes today using the analog composite inputs on the ViXS card. All was working well until after having captured 3 complete tapes I accidentally clicked on the Digital source in the capture window. It popped up the usual box saying "Detecting digital tuner" except that when it got to 70% the program crashed. Nothing to do but click out of it closing the program.

Now when I open PD7 and click on Capture it immediately tries to initialize that digital tuner and crashes again at 70%. The result is I can no longer access the Capture module in PD7 without crashing the program. Is there an ini file or something I can modify so that it will not try and initialize this tuner so I can get back into the Capture module? The program is worthless without being able to capture. I normally edit in Vegas Pro, but I keep PD7 mainly for its support of analog capture devices, which Vegas does not do. Thanks.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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What information did Customer Support provide?

Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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Nothing of any use to my problem, unfortunately. What I did was to remove PD7 and reinstall it. That reset the default capture device to the analog tuner card and fixed the problem.

Now, I have another issue. After reinstalling I tried to reapply the latest update (2519). It asks me if I want to uninstall the previous version. I click yes, but after a few seconds I then get an error message saying: "error 1628: Install not completed" with just an OK button. Clicking it sends me back to the uninstall dialogue box and I'm stuck in a circle jerk unless I click no. PD7 still works, but I can not update it.

I'm going to try the cleanup and reinstall, but I don't hold out much hope. Never had any problem like this when I was beta testing PD7.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi Rick,
I've sent you an email and a PM.... ignore the PM if the email arrives etc.

I'll pass the info onto CyberLink.

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi Rick,
Just thought I'd post some info for others in a similar situation.

For installation error message "error 1628: Install not completed", remove PDR with the Microsoft cleanup tool to fix this issue.

1. Install Microsoft cleanup tool and execute from "Start\all Programs\WindowsInstaller Cleanup" To check if PowerDirector is on the product list, If you can see PowerDirector in product list. Select PowerDirector and click "Remove" button to clean up PowerDirector.
2. Microsoft cleanup tool:

I've given Rick a different solution.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 05. 2009 11:22

Rick [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Cuba via Miami now Living in L.A. Joined: Mar 07, 2008 17:03 Messages: 35 Offline
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I've given Rick a different solution.

And I am now back to using ver. 2519. Thanks, Dafydd.

I haven't been brave enough to retry using my digital tuner for capturing, so I have no idea if that problem still exists.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 06. 2009 16:41

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