Hi Guys,
Lots of great info coming up here, so I'll add my bit.
As I've posted before (somewhere!) for most of us we work in a 'compromised' environment, where only some of us , some of the time can kit up with the best camera(s), the best editing suite and the best output kit. So, whatever is the current or planned 'lowest common denominator' will determine the performance and resources put into the rest of the kit.
If you shoot in 1080i at 25Mbps and if you want to show in 1080i (2 big ifs) even the best laptop will probably fall over. If you shoot in AVCHD (a recording format not ideal for editing as most editing suites are finding) you really need BIG power, if you shoot in MPEG4/H264 it's a bit easier.
If you can only show in 720, you end up downsizing your hard won and expensively produced 1080 video. Many people are very hard pushed to see any difference up to say 40", depending on other issues such as contrast, movement etc.
Most 1080 video is 1080i only the latest consumer cameras (and the professional ones) shoot in 1080p. Most 1080i video when edited and compressed suffers from more artifacts that 720p (progressive is better in this regard than interlaced).
I've used the Sanyo HD1000 and the 1010. I shoot at 720p because I can't tell the difference on my output kit, my editing kit doesn't like playing back 1080 (>2m pixels), it does play 720 (<1m pixels) and I can use my laptop (T2050 1.6 2Gb ram onboard intel graphics) in the field (say when diving - not literally, only my cameras drown when diving!) and PD6 edits 720p OK if I'm patient.
I suppose, Mark, what I'm saying is get the best, if you can and want to afford it, but check what you really 'need', anything over that is 'investing in the future' (positive spin) or 'a boy's toy' (negative spin).
Having said all that, I'd really like 32" triple monitors, dual quad core with crossfire graph.....
Sorry dreaming ....again
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 02. 2009 03:41
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. (see below)
AMD Phenom IIX6 1055T, win10, 5 internal drives, 7 usb drives, struggling power supply.