I'm just a newbie-so perhaps I shouldn't expect that:
1. a program should work
2. tech support would be consistent
3. "solutions" (especially those that don't work) shouldn't require a download of "new build" (not just a little patch) that takes hours...then still doesn't work.
Good Luck
The combinations of motherboard, processor, video card, and storage are astronomical, before you even add in the complexity of Operating system and various software that people may have installed, all which can interfere with complex program like PD7.
1) Yes, a program should work, but its impossible to test out patches on every possible computer variation ahead of time. Maybe they could shed some light on how they do regression testing before releasing a fix.
2) I just hope every tech support guy does his best to help me. If that's not 'consistent', I'll understand they have different experience levels being drawn from.
3) In years past, download of a potential solution wasn't an option. You would wait weeks for a vendor to send out a new set of disks. We've come a long ways, even though it may not feel like it at the moment.
4) The good news is you kind of have a workaround for saving... and they seem to be working with you though you'd prefer it to be faster and not necessary in the first place.
Win8 64-bit Pro Retail
Intel i7-4770
16GB DDR3 1600 8-8-8-24
MSI Z87-G45 Motherboard
1 TB RAID 1 (mirrored) Drive Array
Several scratch drives for video, TMP, pagefile.