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chroma key / greenscreen adjustments
Newbie Location: Netherlands Joined: Oct 04, 2016 16:29 Messages: 2 Offline
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I cant get the lightning right or there is something else wrong, but I either get green specs in the greenscreen field, or I have transparency on my white T-Shirt and in shiny objects. I make sure that there is no reflexion of the greenscreen to myself, and my greenscreen is well lit, but I cant seem to get it right.

I do not have this problem with another editor I use, so now I use that other editor to cut out the greenscreen, than put it in power director 15, then every thing is fine. Any tips on how to adjust the settings, lightning or anything are very welcome. Dont use any tips from the YouTube tutorials... I have seen them all and tried all the things in it.

Thanks for any advice!
Clayton [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 13, 2016 06:44 Messages: 1 Offline
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im having a problem with the green screening. I never had this problem till I update PD15. There is a blue distorted color in the back ground. Please fix this problem. In PD14 it works perfect
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I'm having a new and interesting issue with Keying...

In older versions of PD I could key out that lovely bright green and have a perfect image. But since upgrading to 15 most images that I use the chorma key tool on leave a thin line of green at one edge of the image area. No amount of tweaking the settings will change this... Does anyone else have this issue? or know a work around?
Newbie Location: Netherlands Joined: Oct 04, 2016 16:29 Messages: 2 Offline
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Apart from the fact that specs are (sometimes) at the bottom, I have the same issue. I mask out that line ont the rightso it will be 1mm smaller.

Quote I'm having a new and interesting issue with Keying...

In older versions of PD I could key out that lovely bright green and have a perfect image. But since upgrading to 15 most images that I use the chorma key tool on leave a thin line of green at one edge of the image area. No amount of tweaking the settings will change this... Does anyone else have this issue? or know a work around?
[Post New]
Quote I'm having a new and interesting issue with Keying...

In older versions of PD I could key out that lovely bright green and have a perfect image. But since upgrading to 15 most images that I use the chorma key tool on leave a thin line of green at one edge of the image area. No amount of tweaking the settings will change this... Does anyone else have this issue? or know a work around?

Best workaround I have ever found is to simply purchase NewBlue's Video Essentials VI (6), which sells for $129. It has Chroma Key Pro included in it, which is absolutely fantastic. It incorporates itself into PowerDirector perfectly (identifies PD on install and installs accordingly). It's VERy powerful, and I swear by it. It will also instantly solve the PD15 green screen "sabotage" issue (why on earth did CyberLink mess this up and fix what wasn't broken?)

Link: NewBlue Video Essentials VI
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