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Title Designer effects, not working
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Hi all,

Would like to know if anyone else is having problems with the title designer effects not functioning, i'm trying to enable the Perpesctive Scroll Up within a video i'm wanting to make but it just doesnt seem to want to work.

I've tried checking the other effects and they do'nt seem to want to work either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as i'm trying to make a video for some friends from a rally they just held.

Thank you
Senior Member Location: Liberec, Czech Republic Joined: Aug 16, 2014 06:03 Messages: 158 Offline
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Hi Sean,

Your description of the problem is rather unspecific. It might help if you could provide some screenshot or describe the problem more specifically. The effects in Title Designer appear to be working fine on my computer. It is my observation that numerous posts on this forum are about problems that could be classifed as compatibility issues. Things that can't be easily reproduced on different computers although some problems seem to be shared by many.


[Post New]
Hi Jirka,
I'm trying to make a video and would like to use the "Perspective Scroll Up" effect (like the start of star wars),
however when I click to use it, to alter scroll up effect "Ending Credits 001" the text either doesn't move or disappears completely.
Senior Member Location: Liberec, Czech Republic Joined: Aug 16, 2014 06:03 Messages: 158 Offline
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Perhaps even your footage may be to blame. There are far too many different factors in video editing that may affect success. I attach an example clip with this feature to show it's working for me…
6846 Kbytes
419 time(s)
[Post New]
This is what i'm trying to attempt, however it just doesn't work.

When i do it the way you've done it, i instantly lose quality of the text and it jumps up instead of a nice smooth scrolling effect.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 02. 2016 19:13

Senior Member Location: Liberec, Czech Republic Joined: Aug 16, 2014 06:03 Messages: 158 Offline
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Can you provide more input? Screenshots to show the Title Designer when the problem gets obvious or a sample of the resulting video and/or a short piece of the original unprocessed footage (or specify its properties perhaps versus your project's settings)? Formal logic dictates your problem's cause is at your end since the thing works for other users. You could be doing something wrong, your footage format could be sort of incompatible with PowerDirector, your computer setup could be sort of incompatible with PowerDirector or a combination of these and other factors. You don't give enough clues to be helped…

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 03. 2016 02:29

[Post New]
hi Jirka,

here's the steps i take to try get the star wars effect.
ScreenCapture_04-10-2016 12.17.37.wmv
Steps perspective scroll up
7006 Kbytes
414 time(s)
[Post New]
Heres the settings that i've not changed since getting cyberlink
ScreenCapture_04-10-2016 13.41.18.wmv
4584 Kbytes
474 time(s)
Senior Member Location: Liberec, Czech Republic Joined: Aug 16, 2014 06:03 Messages: 158 Offline
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Are you sure the font and background colors are not same?
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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The screen captues in this post show the problem here. That scroll ending credits 001 is a custom made cyberlink template with that rectangular box for the intented purpose of scroll up. Changing the effect scroll up to perspective scroll does not work.

Try this: Use a different title that can be easily modified such as All Content/Default. Open title designer Type whatever you want in as many lines as you want. Choose that same effect Perspective scroll and it will work.

Let us know if this solves your problem. laughing
[Post New]
ahhh so i can't change that....ok that makes sense thank you.

Ok success to a point.

This method worked however as soon as i clicked save the quality of the text and scroll went from crisp and smooth to grainy and jumpy ( see attachment )
ScreenCapture_04-10-2016 15.42.17.wmv
6225 Kbytes
413 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 04. 2016 11:49

tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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There is no problem. Produce that title in whatever resolution and format you want. That produced file will be crisp and smooth when played back on both wmp and PD14 or other player. The jumpiness when editing is normal as you work on more complex effects. The speed of your computer and the preview quality you set which is high in one of your screen capture video will have a lot to do with it.
[Post New]
Could you explain more about the preview quality Tomasc please?
or show me what settings I should use.
Thank you
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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There are two more settings of normal and low which allows weaker computers to refresh the preview screen faster. The are also two nore settings of HQ and Full HD for those with much better computers to use. High should be sufficient for your pc. The more effects you add to your pc the slower the display will be. That is normal. Produce the short video as a test here and that produced video should be okay.
[Post New]
Where have you seen this:-
"The speed of your computer and the preview quality you set which is high in one of your screen capture video" ?

And where is this:-
"The are also two nore settings of HQ and Full HD for those with much better computers to use. High should be sufficient for your pc"

Also is it possible to produce the film in MP4 format?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Oct 04. 2016 13:14

tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Looking at your 2nd screen capture video…18.wmv : Preferences/Display your preview quality is already set to High at 42 seconds into that video. Preview Resolution at the very top. You don’t need to change it because you have shadow files enabled.

Yes you can produce it in the mp4 format.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 04. 2016 13:18

[Post New]
So are my settings good?

How do i produce in MP4, ive not come across menu for that format

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Oct 04. 2016 13:25

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