Hi there:
I suppose your problem is a blank space between clips. I wouldn't call it frame(s) at all, whatever its length. If I had this problem, I would select all the clips to the right of the naughty spot, moved them (altogether) to the right a visible distance, and them moved them to the left again until they touch the clip to the left of the blank space. This snap effect to make sure no blank space is left between the touching clips takes place as indicated with a thin blank vertical line running down all the tracks on the timeline at the touching point until you release the mouse button (or move the selected clips away from this
safe position, which would cause either a blank space again [if moved to the right] or a four-item menu popping up to choose what to do with overlapping clips [if moved to the left]).
By the way, it is a convention in video edtiting to show the number of frames (not milliseconds) after seconds in digital time formats. This is how Current Time is displayed below the preview window in PowerDirectors as well: hh:mm:ss:ff. The number of frames per second depends on your Timeline Frame Rate setting (General section) in Preferences (Alt-C) in PowerDirector.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Sep 23. 2016 03:39