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Background image disappears when modifying title template
Ian26 [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Joined: May 17, 2014 08:08 Messages: 188 Offline
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Hi there,

I am having a problem when modifying title templates. This has only happened in the last week or so. When i modified a template previously, everything was OK, but now when i want to "tweak" the template the background image disappears and all that is there is the chequered background! The text is OK, but now i don't have an image to match the text to!

What is going on? I have the latest version of PD14 (installed a couple of weeks back).


Thanks IanB
PowerDirector Ultimate 18.0.3801.0 (64bit)
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tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Something changed in your pc. Maybe you can use windows system restore if it was working right a few weeks ago as you say. I remember this issue from a different user. The solution is to update to the latest graphics driver.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 22. 2016 21:14

Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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G'day Ian26 -

Something to check...

When you save your title template, the assets and properties are stored in a folder at C:\Users\UserName\Documents\CyberLink\PowerDirector\14.0\MyTitles

Locate the folder, named Title_xxx, where your template is stored & check whether the background image you imported is present. It should be.

Cheers - Tony
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Ian26 [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Joined: May 17, 2014 08:08 Messages: 188 Offline
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Hi Tony,

They are not in PD14 Titles but are in the former PD12 Titles (where they were originally created (4/Aug/16))

I have downloade 113 Titles from DirectorZone. Most of them, but not all, haver their images in the modify screen, but the ones I particularly want to use don't have their backgound images in modify. Some titles have only half the image there.

The ones I particulary want to use from DirectorZone are the following - which don't have their backgrounds - and are accessible throught the following links:

Hope you can advise me why the backgrounds are not there in modify. IanB
PowerDirector Ultimate 18.0.3801.0 (64bit)
Dell XPS 8700, Win 8.1
4th generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 processor (6M Cache, up to 3.4 GHz)
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Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Ian -

The problem is not just with your PC or your PDR14.

Those templates were uploaded in 2011, possibly with PDR10. The backgrounds are animations & they don't display correctly in PDR14, apart from the thumbnail.

I just tried them (the first two) in PDR12 & all is well.

There may be a way of substituting those animation files into another PDR14 title template with animation, but that'll take some investigation.

Cheers - Tony
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Ian26 [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Joined: May 17, 2014 08:08 Messages: 188 Offline
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Hi Tony,

Thanks for that. Would it be worthwhile contacting Cyberlink Support to see if they have a solution?

Again, thanks. IanB
PowerDirector Ultimate 18.0.3801.0 (64bit)
Dell XPS 8700, Win 8.1
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Senior Contributor Location: USA-Eastern Time Zone Joined: Sep 16, 2014 16:44 Messages: 629 Offline
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I can't see how that would hurt Ian - but I've seen more timely responses out of Tony and tomasc than 'support' at times. Not trying to 'put down' support but, these guys in here are usually a bit faster to respond.

Still, having said this, why not - communicate this to 'support' and see what they have to say. At least maybe they will document this and potentially work on it.


PD13 Ultimate - Build 3516, WIN 8.1, 64 Bit, 16G RAM, Intel Core i5 4460, CPU @ 3.2GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GT720, Graphics Memory(total avail.)-4093MB
LG WH14NS40 Blu-Ray Drive
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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CS2014 – I agree with you on this one. Support has been able to solve user’s problem. I did test out the 1st Title that did not work out for Ian26. He could attach a DxDiag.txt as I don’t believe his signature is correct and up to date. Why would it work 2 weeks ago but not now as he stated. Attached is a video for all to see.
Title.dzt works fine in PD14 here.
44538 Kbytes
294 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: USA-Eastern Time Zone Joined: Sep 16, 2014 16:44 Messages: 629 Offline
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And your 'restore' (as in performing a system restore in WIN) idea is a pretty good one I think too tomasc.

Don't know what OS you're using Ian or if you can review what updates took place since this has been happening. And I don't know if this matters if, when you try to restore to a date when everything was working fine, - that THIS takes care of the issue.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 23. 2016 12:41

PD13 Ultimate - Build 3516, WIN 8.1, 64 Bit, 16G RAM, Intel Core i5 4460, CPU @ 3.2GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GT720, Graphics Memory(total avail.)-4093MB
LG WH14NS40 Blu-Ray Drive
Ian26 [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Joined: May 17, 2014 08:08 Messages: 188 Offline
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OK guys, here is the DxDiag file.

The last restore was 12 months ago. The only thing i have done - to the best of my knowledge - was to install PD14 Ultimate. I originally had PD12 Ultra, and update the nVIDIA file from 353.30 to the current version yesterday.

tomasc: There is no problem with the title working, that's fine, it's just that there is no image to match the text with. cry

I'll wait until there is a respones to the DxDiag file, then I will most likely goto Cyberlink support.

Thanks again guys.
DxDiag file
60 Kbytes
455 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Aug 23. 2016 21:30

PowerDirector Ultimate 18.0.3801.0 (64bit)
Dell XPS 8700, Win 8.1
4th generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 processor (6M Cache, up to 3.4 GHz)
Nividia GeForce 720 Version 372.54 GB Dual Channel DDR3 1600MHz (4GB x 2)
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Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Ian et al -

I must have banged out that earlier response in a hurry because it wasn't right. Sorry.

Quote: The backgrounds are animations & they don't display correctly in PDR14, apart from the thumbnail.

I should have written: "The animation doesn't display correctly in PDR14's Title Designer" As tomasc rightly showed, the animation plays in the timeline.

It just takes a few goes to get the title lined up with the background image.

In PDR12, the animation plays in Title Designer... attached screenshot.

Cheers - Tony
[Thumb - PDR12 Animation.png]
PDR12 Animation.png
138 Kbytes
42 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 23. 2016 23:15

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Ian26 [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Joined: May 17, 2014 08:08 Messages: 188 Offline
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Thanks Tony,

But how do i manage to line up the text in Title designer if i can't see the image? frown

I presume I would have to show the grid lines in designer? IanB
PowerDirector Ultimate 18.0.3801.0 (64bit)
Dell XPS 8700, Win 8.1
4th generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 processor (6M Cache, up to 3.4 GHz)
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Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Grid lines will do it - as long as they're set the same in Preview & Title Designer e.g. 8x8.

Here, the grid lines don't show up on the title template (in Preview) unless there's a colour board or something else "behind" it (in a lower numbered track). Line it up then ditch the colour board laughing

Cheers - Tony

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 24. 2016 01:57

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tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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PM sent.

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tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Attached video of title that did not work out for Ian26 in a smaller wmv format.
Title..dzt that didn't work out for Ian26.
9873 Kbytes
385 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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OK - a big dose of humble pie for me.

tomasc's first post in this thread, had I followed it up properly, would have resolved the issue.

Even though I check GPU drivers regularly, & had updated both main PCs fairly recently, when I checked just now they were both well out of date! Driver dates were both mid-2015! Possibly caused during Win10 installation a few weeks back.

After updating those GPU drivers, the templates Ian asked about work just fine in PDR14's Title Designer.

Apologies to tomasc for not following up & apologies to the forum for wasting time & space posting half-baked observations.

Cheers - Tony

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 24. 2016 16:31

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tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Ian26 - Check out those titles that you had problems with the day before yesterday. Since you updated the graphics driver according to the DxDiag.txt then they should work properly now.

Let us know if the problem is fixed for you.
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