To avoid zooming, I'd really like to use the mouse wheel to just manipulate the buttom horizontal slider. to go forward or backward in time!!!
Or keys or anything, except for mousing to the far-away slider itself. Bizarrely, the mouse wheel is bound so as to scroll the track lists vertically --- a function I've never needed. Shift-mouse wheel doesn't work. I must be overlooking something really simple?
Also, I can't figure out how to easily move the time marker by frame, second, minute according to keyboard shortcuts. There's a mechanism called "seek by" to change the meaning of "," and "." keys. That introduces a hidden mode (the little decoration of the seek symbols is not helpful). This violates a key tenet of UI design, but worse, I don't like it at all!!
Why can't I use various modifier combinations of the arrow keys to seek? Strangely, it appears the arrow keys are not bound to anything at all.
Thanks for tips or help!