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Standarize Format after timeline work saved
DECinHSV [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 12, 2016 22:36 Messages: 12 Offline
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I've been looking at the forum to solve an issue I discovered from a recent project.

It appears at one point I resized a video (not purposely) that I had made into several clips on the timeline. Subsequently when the video shows, all clips form it are now poor quality (very poor) -- as if the height was compressed. I'm not positive, but it also looks like several other clips were also affected from another video that was in the timeline at the same time. Videos that I'm confident were added to the timeline well afterwards appear fine.

Is there a feature that I can press/use to make ALL clips return to full size or original? Or do I have to go back and attempt to make the clips again?



P.S. when I view the video file in the preview from library it looks great . . . IF I pull that same video down into the workflow area, it immediately loses the quality.
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi dc -

Not sure I fully understand your post but the first thing to check is your Preview Resolution setting

Make sure it's set to Full HD or HD.

Cheers - Tony
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DECinHSV [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 12, 2016 22:36 Messages: 12 Offline
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Thank you for quick reply. I'm familiar with that drop down and thats a seperate topic why my computer seems to go into a "don't have enough memory" mode I often lower the viewing scale . . . then I end up rebooting or let it cool down. But I digress

I apologize for the less than thorough description above. Basically, certain clips have seemed to be reduced in size (height noticeable) compared to other clips in the video. I've already produced the video and its VERY evident, something is amiss. Quickly scanning the project I notice the slight size difference and they only other thing I notice is that most of the affected clips have a "TOOLS" adjustment.

I have saved projects with multiple versions (someone recommended that in a video) in order to go back to previous versions for issues such as this -- but this time I did NOT ! [lesson learned !] At this point, I believe I have to restart the project. Atleast I know how I want the scenes arrayed.

Thank you again for trying to assist !
[Thumb - 3.png]
View of File from Production Video (equally poor as 2)
7372 Kbytes
19 time(s)
[Thumb - 2.png]
View of File from Timeline View
4976 Kbytes
24 time(s)
[Thumb - 1.png]
View of File in Library
6247 Kbytes
22 time(s)
kmjk333 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Feb 16, 2016 02:23 Messages: 93 Offline
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"I have saved projects with multiple versions (someone recommended that in a video) in order to go back to previous versions for issues such as this -- but this time I did NOT"

By default, your project is saved every 10 mins. This what you are looking for? Prior save points?
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Thanks for the explanation & screenshots. I think I understand better now.

So - your PC is struggling at times and you're using shadow files (enable HD processing).

Are the original clips 16:9? They look more like 2.23:1 (wider screen cinema). What camera are you using? Could you post the full properties of your original video clips?

Cheers - Tony
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DECinHSV [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 12, 2016 22:36 Messages: 12 Offline
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kmjk333 - no sir . . . thats not what I was after.

YNotFish / Tony - the originals are 16:9. This is on a DJI Phantom 3 - Professional ( )
[Thumb - 4.png]
ScreenShot w/Properties of example clip
6048 Kbytes
32 time(s)
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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The properties of the clip shown in the screenshot is 4096x2160. Resizing the clip to 16:9 or 3840x2160 will give you some loss of detail or lower quality as you put it.
DECinHSV [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 12, 2016 22:36 Messages: 12 Offline
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Tom --- appreciate the reply. Is there a way to change Heigth / Width back to native? The only thing I can remember doing when I noticed the issue, I had used some of the tools (motion tracker / action camera center) so maybe I did it then???

This screen shows ALL clips (vice one used in intro) as the same size.
[Thumb - 5.png]
File Sizes from SVRT status
1077 Kbytes
27 time(s)
DECinHSV [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 12, 2016 22:36 Messages: 12 Offline
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ok --- a BIT more information. Any Video I put in the timeline now does it! I've jacked up something in the settings I suspect. Does having still photo's in a timeline that are of different size format cause an issue?
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi dc -

It's a tricky one! At first I thought the video was not directly from the DJI Pro3 because PDR is reading the properties as (bitrate) 3.00Mbps. Nothing like true... but I've just inserted a DJI clip - 4096x2160 with a VBR of 60Mbps - & PDR tells me it's 3.00Mbps too!

You'll see in the screenshot attached, it doesn't display as 16:9, but it's not so exaggerated as yours!

No - photos in the timeline would have no impact on how it's displayed.

Try opening a new project - turn off shadow files - and import a clip from your DJI i.e. that has had NO other editing done on it. Let us know what you get.

Cheers - Tony
[Thumb - DJI Pro3 in PDR.png]
DJI Pro3 in PDR.png
374 Kbytes
33 time(s)

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Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi dc -

DJI 4K - 4096x2160 - clips should be displaying with narrow black bars top & bottom (shown in the screenshot attached above) because they are not 16:9. The aspect ratio is 1.90:1, which is wider than 16:9 - 1.78:1

Your clips are displaying with broader black bars, even though the boundaries of your videos (from the screenshots you attached) appear to be correct.

However, the actual image is closer to an aspect ratio of 1:22:1 - even wider than 4K.

Look forward to seeing how your undedited DJI clips display in a new project.

Cheers - Tony
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DECinHSV [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 12, 2016 22:36 Messages: 12 Offline
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Thank you . . . I suspect I caused the issue when I was doing some "Action Camera" edits . . . oh well. I sincerely appreciate your time trying to help find a solution. From the screen shot and diagram above you confirmed what I was thinking was off "Basically, certain clips have seemed to be reduced in size (height noticeable) compared to other clips in the video. "

Start over seems to be the most appealing option
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