I've looked at some PC Mark 8 benchmarks and they have a 'conventional' test and an 'accelerated test' The accelerated test for the 840M was way faster than the conventional. Supposedly the conventional etst uses OpenCL? I couldn't find an accelerated test for the Intel 520 (this is what is coming with the newer Skylake chip sets). But the specs say it supports OpenCL 2.0? They are comparable on the 'conventional' benchmarks.
From what I understand few programs took advantage of openCL but that is think is suppose to be changing more and more.
Does Cyberlink software take advantage of OpenCL, or is it not even a factor in video editing?
Bottom line is, my choice is a faster newer i7-6500U with Intel 520 graphics or last year's i7-5500U with an Nvidia 840M. My gut is considering the laptop is not going to be used for games and only for video editing part of the time, go with the newer platform. But the CPUs are actually pretty close so if there's a big performance gain in video editing using the 840M I'd go for that.