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PD12 - Audio track a little off
VideoJim [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Los Angeles, CA Joined: May 22, 2014 00:20 Messages: 20 Offline
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In PD12, although the video & audio are in sync during playback, the audio track is a little off. I do a lot of edit points when speaker begins talking.. Is there a way to refresh or slide the audio track slightly one way or the other to match when the sound occurs ? Thanks !!
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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You said the audio and video were in sync during playback but then you say that the audio is a little off. Please explain.

Quick question. IS the audio track off the same amount from beginning to end?

Is it Ok in the beginning and then goes off slowly?

Usually that is an issue with the original capture. You can separate the audio from the video and slide it one way or the other if it is off consistently.

You can do the same and cut and edit the audio to get it back to where it should be. Sometimes a transition will hide that cut

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Apr 12. 2016 16:10

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VideoJim [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Los Angeles, CA Joined: May 22, 2014 00:20 Messages: 20 Offline
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Hello SteveK.. The actual audio & video of the footage is in sync and is fine..

It is the audio track - the visual audio graph under the video track on timeline that is slightly off. The actual sound occurs a little before or after the graph shows it to happen.

It wouldn't be a big deal except I make chapter points 1 sec before the speaker speaks and I'd like to do it visually from the timeline's audio track instead of listening for it to happen, then backing up 1 sec...

Is there a way to slide the audio track part to match up with the actual sound happening?
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Hi, Video Jim!

I've noticed this on various occasions as well. Regrettably there's nothing that can be done without the audio and video going out of sync. If when playing back your clip, the audio and video are properly synchronised, but the scrubber tells you otherwise, ignore it. Use your video cues plus what your ears are hearing to set your chapter points and disregard the visual display of the audio track. This situation can only be chalked up to the quirky nature of this beast called Power Director!


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