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Web Tutorial - Expanding portion of screen
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I am attempting to create tutorial videos such as those used on Youtube. Can someone recommend a technique for created an expanded portion of a screen, in either a video or expanded static screen such as illustrated in the attached file? I am using PD 14 on Windows 10. Thanks.
[Thumb - Expanded Screen.png]
Expanded Screen.png
Expanded screen illustration.
323 Kbytes
56 time(s)
Jim Himself
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Hi Jim

You can use crop/zoom function to zoom on a part of the screen

If you would like to see the zoomed portion on the top of the original video. You can add this zoomed portion as a second track and use the mask function.
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ynotfish [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Jim -

Theolilou's idea is a good one, especially if you want to highlight the fact that you're focussing on a particular element. It has the advantage of including the zoom in/out.

Another possibility is to use the Magnifier effect in the FX room. A short example is attached. There's no zoom in or out - it just magnifies according to the parameters you set.

Cheers - Tony
Magnifier FX.wmv
245 Kbytes
235 time(s)

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