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Sound trks fading
jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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I have often had two sound trks with overlaps and use the vol contol to fade out one trk as the other is faded in.

I have done the same on PD13 and for some reason there is not a smooth transition as I used to have with PD12. No matter how I try there is still a momentary break in the audio rathe than the expected smmoth flow. If I switch of the audio of each trk independantly they play as expected with fade out on one and fade in on the other. See attached file ..any ideas?
[Thumb - ScreenHunter_08 Feb. 23 11.25.jpg]
ScreenHunter_08 Feb. 23 11.25.jpg
45 Kbytes
72 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: USA-NM Joined: Aug 04, 2014 10:11 Messages: 650 Offline
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I wonder if it's just a glitch while previewing. Have you tried "produce range" to see if it's produced that way?

Also, are you familiar with the audio fades in the transition room?
[Thumb - AudioFades.png]
36 Kbytes
57 time(s)
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