Neil is there a way to add empty transition? I made a video clip where are a lot of cuts. Is there also any way to add that transition for each cut automatically?
Oh I just see sj53 says transitions didn't help here...
Oh I just see sj53 says transitions didn't help here...
Hi, Karab44!
Empty transitions? Is there such a beast? I can maybe suggest the "no effect" option but I don't think that would suit your purpose. As to automatically adding transitions, earlier versions of Power Director(I think) offered such a facility, but the transitions would all be the same type(e.g., all "fade" or "wipe" or other choice), there was also the option in PD7 and 8 to "copy" the transition into clipboard and "paste" it where you wanted/needed it. I used that by setting my transition("fade") at say, 5 seconds, copied it and pastd it in as requred as a sort-of placeholder, I'd then go through and replace the fade with a more elaborate transition effect, as suggested by the previous/next scene. PD14 regrettably does not allow such cut-&-paste utility, such a shame, really, as such a utility is really useful and proved so in PD7 & 8. Automatic insertion of transitions might be an idea for PD16, seeing that PD15 is about to be unleashed!