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Video wall PD14
Member Location: Shell Cove NSW Joined: Aug 23, 2013 00:18 Messages: 54 Offline
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The PD Toot creating a video wall with PD8 shows details not available in PD14. eg: How to select PIP tracks in sequence

and how to fit to time line. Thanks.....Baz Bunkerbaz
Anja the Dane
Contributor Location: Denmark (North of Copenhagen) Joined: Mar 03, 2011 15:02 Messages: 347 Offline
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Hi Baz,

The procedure is the same in PDR14 - first insert video tracks - track manager opens when you right click on left side.

step 1


step 2

then just follow PD toots video ajusting size of the clips

Hope this helps you smile

cheers, Anja
[Thumb - video_wall_2b.png]
45 Kbytes
128 time(s)
[Thumb - video_wall_1a.png]
47 Kbytes
114 time(s)
PDR 14.0.4207.0 / Windows 10 64-bit / Asus / Intel i7-4790 3.60 GHz / 16GB RAM / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / DirectX 12
Anonymous [Avatar]
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Hi, Baz!

Something I've noticed is that with any item I add to a PiP track, add something to Tr.2, Tr.3 automatically appears, add something to Tr.3 then Tr.4 automatically appears, and so on. If you add five items(tracks 2,3,4,5 and 6) below the clip on Tr.1(master), then you simply go down to Tr.7, right-click on in and select "remove track" The option to Remove(all) Empty Tracks" is also there. You can also add transition effects onto those PiP tracks, a feature not available on PD8(or ownly in a limited manner).


Member Location: Shell Cove NSW Joined: Aug 23, 2013 00:18 Messages: 54 Offline
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Hi Anja,
Thanks for the info. I was OK with that but I assume then that there is no difference between Pip tracks or video tracks??. Also the Toot shows to select to fit time line which PD14 does not have. This may not make a difference??

Baz (PS: I like your other Toots)

and thanks Neil...point noted. Bunkerbaz
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Baz -

You're right - back in PD8, the "main" video track didn't have the flexibility of the dedicated PiP tracks. In PDR14, they'll all called video tracks and they all have the same flexibility.

Back in PD8, each video in the wall had to be resized separately. In PDR14, you can resize one video - copy its keyframe attributes and paste them onto the other wall videos. Much simpler and faster.

PDR14 has a "View Entire Movie" button that fits the project in the timeline horizontally, but I don't think it has a "fit vertically" mode. It's easy, though, to resize all the video/audio tracks to small so you can see everything.

Cheers - Tony
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