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upgrading from PowerDVD 11 Ultra to Ultra 14, is it worth it?
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I'm currently using PowerDVD 11 Ultra on my Win 7 (64-bit) PC.

I'm going to be installing a new Samsung SM961 240GB M.2 as a boot drive (replacing Samsung 850 EVO).

Might also switch from an AMD FX-6350 setup to an Intel i5-4690K

As i'm going to be installing a fresh copy of the OS, wondering what advantages (or disadvantages) there would be to also install PowerDVD Ultra 14?

I really do not do anything fancy with PowerDVD, just like watching Blu-ray movies, using a external DAC/amp (USB & optical) and headphones (Beyer T70) and studio monitors (Monoprice 5"). AMD FX-6350, 8GB, R9 280X, 850 EVO SSD.
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