I’ve had a number of requests for uncompressed
versions of my tracks, so I’ve begun making them available on Gumroad
for a small free to help support the site. The MP3 files that I make
freely available sound very good, but the original uncompressed WAV
files sound really incredible…give them a try!
If anyone is
curious as to why I didn’t upload WAV files to begin with, the reason is
that my web hosting service places limitations on file sizes and WAV
files tend to be very large.
Anyhow, it’s going to take some time
to upload everything, so if anyone has any requests for WAV versions of
tracks you happen to like, just drop me an email and I’ll upload them
to Gumroad for you. Feel free to convert to Ogg or any format you like.
That said, this week’s new free tracks are:
On my Sci-Fi 8 page:
EMERGING ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS – (Looping) – As they become industrialized, hopefully they won’t make the same mistakes we have.
And on my AMB - Urban Ambience page, more large city street ambience:
STREET CORNER_M-30 – Traffic, distant sirens, pedestrians, someone whistles, trucks passing, talking, horns, etc.
STREET CORNER_M30_2 – Noisy traffic passes, pedestrians, talking, distant brakes squeak, etc.