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Creating rollover buttons for menus
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Hi everyone,

I have made some buttons in Photoshop, which I'm interested to implement in my customised menus for disks created by Power Director. Or even use them to make and save customised menus in PD.

Any ideas to do that ? Please be as specific as possible, e.g. do I need to aim at a specific format (for example .png) etc.
I'm using PD 13 Ultra.

Thank you in advance !
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi Nikos069 -

If you're referring to navigation buttons like these...

if you make them in .png format 64x64 px you can't go too wrong.

Depending on your design, they typically look better with a transparent background.

Custom buttons can be imported into Menu Designer when you're modifying or creating a menu.

Cheers - Tony
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[Post New]
@ynotfish ; thank you for your response !

Actually, what I was thinking is a series of (vertical or horizontal) menu buttons, each with a caption, e.g. "Chapter 1", "Chapter 2" etc. All of them with rollover effect, e.g. all of them haveing blue surface and turning light-blue while on rollover.

Any idea on that ?
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