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Image on burned BD not same as project
quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Been working on a mp4.4k file (8gb, PAL, 25fps), workspace PAL, some basic editing, cut some scenes, increase volume. On preview window everything normal regarding size/aspect ratio identical as original file. When burning, choosed BD 25 gb with best quality (HD 1920 x 1080/50i, default only 16:9). The image on burned BD is zoomed in. Know for a fact because the original file as some subtitles that on burned BD are cut or not showing all and scennes cut on top of screen.

Can anyone help me to avoid this?

Thank you all quim11
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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What type of monitor are you watching the finished video and what type of monitor are you using for editing.

In almost ancient history, there was an issue with overscan so that some of the video was cut off. At that time the amount of overscan was 10-15% of the video; with today's monitors, this is down to a couple of percent.

This is also known as the TV safe zone. You can turn that on when editing to make sure that those titles are seen completely.

If you post a screen shot of the edeiting screen and then the final screen (snapshot) perhaps we can see something.

There may be other reasons; the images will help.
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quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Hi Stevek

Thanks for taking your time trying to help me.

I've attached 3 pics.

  • Pic 1 is the image on timeline, everything correct regarding size

  • Pic 2 is the same clip on my pc screen, tryed also on TV/blu ray player with same results. As you can see, the image has been cut on top and bottom at least.

  • Pic 3 is the image of beggining of clip on time line with that TV safe zone on.

My laptop is a sony vaio with a 1920x1080 screen.

Any ideas?

Thanks again
[Thumb - PD Prob 1.jpg]
PD Prob 1.jpg
319 Kbytes
44 time(s)
[Thumb - PD Prob 2.JPG]
PD Prob 2.JPG
414 Kbytes
41 time(s)
[Thumb - PD Prob 3.jpg]
PD Prob 3.jpg
279 Kbytes
39 time(s)
The Shadowman
Senior Contributor Location: UK Joined: Dec 15, 2014 13:06 Messages: 1831 Offline
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I don't know much about DVD & BD, but your third image is in 4.3. You say you are working 16.9????? Panny TM10, GH2, GH4,
quim111 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Lisbon, Portugal Joined: Jan 16, 2014 21:46 Messages: 40 Offline
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Quote: I don't know much about DVD & BD, but your third image is in 4.3. You say you are working 16.9?????

Yes, that's the project's preview, it's allways that size with 4:3 or 16:9 quim11
The Shadowman
Senior Contributor Location: UK Joined: Dec 15, 2014 13:06 Messages: 1831 Offline
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Well, shouldn't you click on the 4.3 at the top of the screen and change it to 16.9?

Maybe I am missing something, as I say, I don't know much about BD. Panny TM10, GH2, GH4,
[Post New]
Quote: Been working on a mp4.4k file (8gb, PAL, 25fps), workspace PAL, some basic editing, cut some scenes, increase volume. On preview window everything normal regarding size/aspect ratio identical as original file. When burning, choosed BD 25 gb with best quality (HD 1920 x 1080/50i, default only 16:9). The image on burned BD is zoomed in. Know for a fact because the original file as some subtitles that on burned BD are cut or not showing all and scennes cut on top of screen.

Can anyone help me to avoid this?

Thank you all

If you want to keep the video aspect ratio.

Your video 4x3 aspect ratio, BD has 16x9 your video will have sidebars on BluRay.

Also stretch the image manually.

You can try one of the options.

In the timeline, right clic on the video, select Set clip Attributes, Set Aspect Ratio ...

Option create DVD-Video, you can choose at the 4x3 aspect ratio format.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Aug 17. 2015 19:19

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