Intel Core i5-5200U CPU 2.20 GHz
8.0 GB RAM
64 bit processor
Windows 8.1
The problem I'm having is that when I try to produce, I keep getting an error message that says "update your video card or Windows Media Player" or something of the sort. The thing is, everything is up to date. I notice that I have this error especially when using the video stabilizer feature. I've been able to produce some video without this correction, and it worked fine, however.
Is my machine simply not powerful enough? Would it help if I switched to an older version of Powerdirector that required less computing power? I use GoPro Studio 2.0 and export in 2.7K and it works fine. The playback is also smooth, whereas the playback in Cyberdirector 13 is choppy.
Any ideas for how to solve this problem?