The above is dramatic and contains
no useful information as shown by my initial reply. Rather that chid me with a ranting PM and a simmering post here, you learn how to describe your actions and follow the guide Part D. Your "thanks" when compared to your PM rant lacks any gratitude but does show a grudging acknowledgement you needed the help of a more experienced computer user and software analyzer.
Less of the drama and less of the rant. (Dafydd's quote)
This is what I mean. I am sorry about going on a rant, and I acknowledge that you are experienced in this area. All I wanted is a little bit of respect. I understand that I may have gone a little bit too far. In none of your replies did I get any respect. Next time I won't ask for help if I will be treated like this
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 27. 2015 05:52