Thank you very much for the clarification, Jeff. Fantastic stuff!
I understand everything you said, and since I maintain the exact same directory structure on my home and office computer (and on the external transport drive I use), the fixed locations that are stored in the .PDS file work for me. But I didn't know that Pack Project Materials removed the fixed location info, making it work with whatever local folder it's re-placed into. That's good info!
(There's a lot of BS in your directory structures there, Jeff!
Anyway, what I was wishing for would be an enhancement to what is contained within the .PDS file so that the import/export folder names FOR THAT PROJECT could be stored with the project. Having them as a global setting has already gotten me in trouble when I'd forgotten to change them to match the project I was opening and working on.
Your post is making me change (slightly) my method of working with projects. Until the project is FINISHED, I'm going to continue as I was, by copying the entire project directory from one computer to my transport drive and then from the transport drive to the second computer. Reversing the process when I want to bring the work back to my office. (I use a comparison program called Vice-Versa Pro to compare and copy files... works terrifically!) And once the project is completely finished and the final video rendered, THEN I'll use Pack Project Materials to produce something I'll archive on my NAS drives. And now that you've told me what PPM does, I'll be able to restore the project to ANY folder name or structure I want and have it work.
I think you might be misunderstanding the PD pds file, just mentioning so you don't get burned later.
The PDS file stores reference to source content as fixed locations, open a pds file with notepad and look for text SRC=. You will see a line like this for each source file in your project:
SRC="D:\100G_BS\BS\More_BS\Final_BS\00000.m2ts" NAME="00000.m2ts"
No matter where one puts the pds file, it will always load timeline content from the fixed address that is saved in the pds file. It does not matter what import/export folder you have defined when loading a pds file. It looks for the files at that fixed address, if that address changes or the file is not there, you will get the warning shown in the attached pic. Here I moved the 00000.m2ts video file shown above so now when the pds project file is loaded, PD will have issues as it can’t find the source files at the fixed address that was saved in the pds file. I need to manually navigate to the new spot I put them.
If for some reason you select any version of "Ignore" and then save the project, you better have a backup as you just damaged your entire project, you will have black boxes for any content in the timeline that PD could not find at the fixed address.
The "Pack Project Materials" rewrites the pds file fixed file references to just the current pack folder, so the new location in the packed pds file would be SRC="00000.m2ts" so when the pds file is loaded it simply pulls content from the local folder.