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jshepnz [Avatar]
Member Joined: Oct 01, 2012 03:50 Messages: 83 Offline
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I tried adding a video .avi file to play on my menu but received msg that format was not accepted. What file type should I use. I'm sure I have used AVI before
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Most avi files should be okay. I found only a camera .AVI file not accepted. You can put that particular avi file on the timeline, select the range, and produce it such as an dv-avi file again with powerdirector. It should then be accepted for the menu.

Let us know if this fixes it for you.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 27. 2014 00:24

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Why notr produce/convert it to a mpg2 file to be sure?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Nov 27. 2014 09:01

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