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Upgarde, WHY?
LostTarget [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 09, 2008 11:38 Messages: 40 Offline
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I've read all the posted topics. Can't seem to pin point a reason to upgrade to 13. Looks like glorified fixes for those having problems with 12 (and not addressing everyone's pet peeves). I don't do Blu-Ray or 4K.

I purchase new versions of software on all products I use, but finding it hard to pull the trigger for this product.

Am I missing something?
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watson [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Apr 14, 2015 08:56 Messages: 3 Offline
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Looks like glorified fixes for those having problems with 12 (and not addressing everyone's pet peeves). I don't do Blu-Ray or 4K.

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I can think of only one single reason to upgrade to PD13 - support for alpha channels. And this is only if you are doing special effects work and have the need for such a feature (the vast majority don't). If not, then PD13 has no other additions/features that would be a good enough reason to upgrade. This software is created for "video dads" who do not need any real creative/prodiction power. It's an elementary level product that tries to be a one-stop-shop to get your video from your camera onto a disc. It does a reasonably good job, but with no frills or stability.

I can say this: if the next version of PD doesn't support motion tracking (especially since most every other competingproduct has for multiple versions now, such as Corel VSX, Adobe Premiere Elements, etc), I'm jumping ship and just going full Adobe and doing it right. For me personally, this crash-ware has been nothing but a painful reminder that you get what you pay for.
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RykersMom2013 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 07, 2015 10:28 Messages: 15 Offline
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You know. Im very very new to this program. like 5 moths barely. And I don't even use it. My wife does. And from what I know about it, it doesn't seem like its a great product. I mean she gets the editing done but constant problems that I chase. Always freezing, skipping during preview. now I understand this could be hardware related but I have friends that do the same thing with a lot less powerful machines. I am on a laptop and so are some of them. But this thing is running a quad core i7 with 8gb of ram and a GeForce gtx 850m gpu. looking at the specs of pd13 these blow the min req out of the water. so id hate to see how this program acts with the min req. Im currently seeking help for these problems through the forum under "SEPERATE HARD DRIVES? PLEASE HELP" if anyone has some other suggestions. Someone thinks that the frame rate from the DSLR footage is so high that while shes editing is the cause to the preview not playing and the program freezing or skipping. I don't know. Like I said I have friends doing the same thing with less but using "DIFFERENT" programs. The reason I purchased this program for her is because of the reviews I got from different places online. A lot of places put this up against the other big dogs (adobe, sony) and said this is a way better bang for the buck. Then onece I got it it was on like a 75% off sale so we got it supper cheap. But now im starting to second guess. But being fair im trying to stick with it and see if ppl can help solve these probs. The only one I can think of that makes sense is the HDD its 5400rpm. Which I've read, doesn't do justice for this machine. But on here im being told it should be plenty to do editing. So we'll see. But from starting to read through all these reviews im starting to feel like HIGHWINDER is right and these guys are out of their league.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Apr 23. 2015 10:05

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