Hi, Betty.
Like you, I was intimidated at first when it came to keyframes. Then, after learning a few basics about them, I realized that they are an editor's friend and nothing to be scared of.
For example, I might wish to move an object around against the background video. Obviously, the software can't simply read my mind and know what movement I desire. I have to tell it. But instead of thinking of this as something I HAVE to do, it is ALLOWING me to do these great things. It lets me decide where to have the object come in, what size I want it, where it should go, etc.
Think of keyframes as kind of a marker. At this point in the video, you want the object in this location, at this size. Create keyframes at that spot--very quick and easy to do--and voila: PowerDirector will do it just as you desire.
That's just one example, admittedly oversimplified. There are some good tutorials that show more. If your current project is simple enough, you might be able to get by without getting into keyframes. At some point, when you decide to have some fun, start learning a few basics about keyframes. You'll be glad you did.